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Major Construction on Queen Effective

Major Construction on Queen

Effective March 31st, the Queen Street bridge over the Don River will close to all traffic so that it can be rebuilt. This means massive diversions for car, bus and streetcar alike.

501/301 Queen, 502 Downtowner, 503 Kingston Road and 504 King streetcars will continue to operate, but will be diverted via Broadview, Dundas and Parliament back to either Queen or King. During the busiest part of the morning rush-hour, every second King car will be diverted via Gerrard and Parliament. Even the 303 Don Mills Night Bus will be diverted, running along Dundas and River Street to get to King.

There will be no replacement bus service. Queen and King passengers boarding between Broadview and Parliament will have to walk to Parliament, Dundas or Broadview to catch their streetcars. King passengers boarding on Broadview between Dundas and Queen will have to transfer from a Queen car, or walk to Dundas to catch their King car.

The bridge reconstruction will finish in late August.

Thanks to Scott Haskill for this information. This and other service changes will be covered in the Official TTC website.