Call for Photographs
We at Transit Toronto depend upon our own readers to provide us with current information, old maps, reports, and even articles. Our current collection of photographs would not be nearly as impressive without the efforts of people too numerous to mention. We would like to encourage your donations, and we would especially be interested in photographs that could be used to illustrate some of the articles on this website. Therefore, we place a call for the following:
- Photographs of any of the TTC’s bus garages, especially Old Eglinton (before it is completely redeveloped) and New Eglinton
- A shot of the northwest corner of Yonge and Eglinton as it looks today, in order to contrast with this image
- Shots around the Eglinton terminal, before it is redeveloped. Revisit the bus bays, the “one-sided” Berwick Bridge, the former bus garage entrance, showing the ceiling fixtures where the trolleybus wires were mounted, the Duplex Street entrance, etc.
- Aerial views encouraged. If anybody reading this is on the upper floors of 20 Eglinton West and has access to a south-facing window, we would greatly appreciate it if you can bring a camera to work.
If you have photographs or are interested in taking them, please e-mail us.