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CN, GO, on Strike Notice

The Canadian AutoWorkers union put Canadian National on strike notice earlier today after members rejected a deal with the railway. CN’s 5000 shopcraft, clerical and intermodal yard workers have been in a legal strike position since December 31. CN and the Union had reached a tentative agreement in January 23, stalling a strike, but workers voted against the deal by as much as 60%.

The strike, if it occurs, may begin as early as one minute after midnight on Friday morning. Although CN expects to operate service as normal on Friday, delays remain a possibility, depending on the placement and effectiveness of picket lines. As CN crews run GO’s locomotives, this strike threat has the potential to disrupt service starting Friday morning, although union officials say that strikers will not target grain shipments or passenger rail service.

No new talks are scheduled, although union officials have asked to meet with a mediator on Wednesday. The full story from the CBC is here.