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Decision Time on the St. Clair Right-of-Way

After a quiet summer, discussion on the proposal to install a private right-of-way for St. Clair streetcars is about to heat up as the matter comes to an interim decision on September 13, 2004. The Works, and Planning and Transportation Committees will meet on this day in City Hall’s council chambers and, after hearing deputations, will vote on their recommendation to City Council.

The organizers of SCRIPT, community supporters of the private right-of-way project, ask that all supporters consider the following:

  1. Sign SCRIPT’s petition online at
  2. Attend the September 13th meeting at City Hall.
  3. Make a deputation at the September 13th meeting. Contact SCRIPT by phoning 416-535-1617 or email to sign up. Leave a message with name and contact info and someone will return your message.
  4. Write a letter to Councillor Gerry Altobello, Chair of Planning and Transportation or Councillor Jane Pitfiield, Chair of Works stating your support of the ROW at City Hall, 100 Queen St West 2nd floor Toronto M5H 2N2
  5. You can also call Councillor Altobello at 416.392.0213 or Councillor Pitfield at 416.392.0215
  6. Volunteer with SCRIPT — help us out in any way you can — contact as us
  7. Make a donation to our cause�contact SCRIPT at

This meeting is only to vote on a recommendation to city council, and is not a vote of city council itself. That will likely take place later in September or early in October. This is, however, one of the remaining hurdles that have to be cleared before the right-of-way is approved.

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