You’re probably wondering what you’re doing here. Well, over the past few months, Transit Toronto has been switching webhosts. The new setup is not only cheaper, but it gives us much more flexibility in controlling our website. This should mean more frequent updates of pages such as this. We are arranging with other railfans to post here and keep this news page more up to date.
But, of course, the web transfer isn’t going as well as planned. The new host has never seen a URL like and is unsure how to handle it. They do, however, have a bug report out and they promise me that the problem will be resolved. In the meantime, we’re redirecting people over to the new website, that’s temporarily up on the new URL We’d very much like to keep, but why should that inconvenience you?
The site has been transfered, but there are still some renovations going on, so expect changes. The change brings us a new URL format. We think we have most of the links within the site working but, of course, if you’ve liked to pages inside this site from outside of this site, those addresses will soon be invalid. In the meantime, check out some of our new features, like the sidebar search box that can call up anything on this website.