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Classic Streetcars to Operate August 20

The TTC will be pressing its fleet of classic streetcars into service on Saturday, August 20, on the 509 Harbourfront route, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The move is in celebration of the opening of the Canadian National Exhibition.

This will be a rare opportunity to ride the TTC’s two restored PCCs (4500 and 4549) and its Peter Witt (2766) in regular service at regular fares.

Public Transit For Free?

Jim Stafford makes the case on page A13 of today’s Globe and Mail. While the Canadian Auto Workers’ economist’s heart is in the right place, it may be that he underestimates the system’s capacity to handle the crowds it would experience if public transit was suddenly made free. Although Mr. Stafford suggests that the funds currently used for fare control could be moved elsewhere in the system, it may be that the costs incurred could be significantly more than the revenues current passengers now contribute through the farebox.

Still, it makes for an interesting read, and if it sparks positive debate over the current funding levels of public transit in this nation, it is most welcome.

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