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Toronto subway likely terrorist target

Canadians believe a terrorist attack on their country is unlikely but feel if one did happen, the Toronto subway is the most probable target, CTV is reporting.

That’s the picture painted by a federal focus-group study of views in several major cities on the prospects of a 9/11-style assault. Overall, Canadians interviewed during the sessions felt an attack was “highly unlikely” given the proximity of other, more attractive targets — namely the United States.

Estimates ranged from a one per cent to a 25 per cent possibility of terrorist action against Canada in the next few years, says the study prepared for the Transport Department by Ekos Research Associates. “For many, Toronto’s size, international profile and economic and financial importance to Canada made it the most probable target, especially by participants from this city.”

Public transportation systems, particularly subways, figured as a potential target because they would be easy to attack and such a crime would succeed in spreading mass fear.

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