The events of the past two days continue to affect transit service in the Greater Toronto Area.
GO Transit and Durham Region Transit report that CN crews are repairing the tracks and railbed in Pickering. A freight train derailed on Thursday, damaging the railway infrastructure.
GO Transit is reducing service on the Lakeshore East line. All trains end at, or originate from, Pickering Station. GO is running shuttle buses between Pickering and Oshawa Stations and DRT is adjusting service to accommodate shuttle bus passengers wanting to transfer to local DRT buses.
Ice storm
York Region Transit is no longer reporting detours in the Weston Road area. Yesterday, the ice toppled hydro wires and towers and YRT rerouted buses on its 10 York University-Woodbridge route. The Toronto Transit Commission also rerouted buses on its 165 Weston Road North route.
The TTC is not reporting whether it has restored service on the Scarborough Rapid Transit line after trees fell onto the tracks yesterday, but the TTC also did not report yesterday’s incident on its website either.