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Public open house on TTC station modernization program tonight

The TTC officially launched its subway station modernization program at a media event this afternoon at Pape Station.

It will also host a public open house on the program in the foyer of Centennial College, 951 Carlaw Avenue at Mortimer Avenue, tonight from 7 to 9 p.m. You can travel to the open house on 25 Don Mills or 81 Thorncliffe Park buses from Pape Station (walk two blocks west from Mortimer and Pape Avenues to Carlaw) or 62 Mortimer buses to Mortimer and Carlaw Avenues from Broadview or Main Street Stations.

Pape will be the first station that the TTC will modernize in the program. Under the program the TTC will:

• update station finishes
• enhance the street presence of station entrances
• improve passenger flow and wayfinding within all station levels
• improve finishes including walls, floors, and ceilings
• install brighter lighting:
• improve station identification and wayfinding signs
• integrate public art into finishes
• improve streetscaping and landscaping

At some stations, the TTC is combining modernization initiatives with other TTC programs, such as Easier Access (new elevators and barrier-free access) and Second Exit (new emergency exits in stations with only one evacuation route).

This approach:

• more efficiently uses limited funds.
• offers consistent and integrated design statement for all new station elements.
• reduces construction disruption.

The TTC chose Pape Station as its first station to modernize because of Pape’s state of repair and because it had already planned to work at Pape under other TTC programs. In addition to modernizing the station, the TTC will also:

• install new elevators to provide barrier-free access throughout the station
• install new emergency exit routes from platforms to the street
• upgrade fire alarms to meet current standards
• replace roofing at the main entrance and bus platform

The total cost of the Pape Station modernization project is $20.8 million and the TTC expects that it will complete the project in 2010. The TTC will next modernize Dufferin and Bloor-Yonge Stations.

The TTC has set up a new webpage with more details of the subway station modernization program.

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