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Weekend events affect transit, July 20 to 22

Special events in Brampton, Milton and Toronto will affect transit services this weekend.

The events include:

“Cruisin’ on a Hot Summer’s Night” Classic Car Show, Downtown (Brampton) Farmers Market, Indigo’s Harry Potter Celebration.

The events affect these routes:

Brampton Transit: 2 Main

GO Transit: 21 Milton, 31 Georgetown

Toronto Transit Commission: 6 Bay


Downtown Farmers Market

The City of Brampton will close Main Street between Theatre Lane and John Street on Saturday, July 21 from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. to accommodate the Downtown Farmers Market.

Brampton Transit will divert buses on the 2 Main route during the event. Southbound buses will operate along their regular route to Main Street North and Nelson Street West, then detour westward along Nelson, southward along George Streets North and South, eastward along Wellington Street West, resuming their regular route at Wellington and Main. Northbound buses reverse the routing.

GO Transit has not announced detours, but it will likely also divert buses on the 31 Georgetown route during the event. Southbound buses would operate along their regular route to Main Street North and Nelson Street West, then detour westward along Nelson, through the Downtown Brampton Bus Terminal, then southward along George Streets North and South, eastward along Wellington Street West, resuming their regular route at Wellington and Main. Northbound buses would reverse this routing.


“Cruisin’ on a Hot Summer’s Night”

The Town of Milton will close parts of Main Street on Friday, July 20 from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. so that the Downtown Milton Business Improvement Area can host this classic car show.

GO Transit will divert buses on the 21 Milton route during the event. Westbound buses will operate along their regular route to Main and Ontario Streets, then detour northward along Ontario, westward along Steeles Avenue, southward along Martin Street and resume their regular route at Martin and Millside Drive. GO will not be detouring eastbound buses.


Indigo’s Harry Potter Celebration

The City of Toronto will close Bay Street between Charles and Bloor Streets West outside of Indigo’s Bay and Bloor store on Friday, July 20 from 7 to 11:30 p.m. to accommodate the event.

The TTC will divert buses on the 6 Bay route during the event. Southbound buses will operate along their regular route to Bay and Bloor, then detour eastward along Bloor, southward along Yonge Street and then westward along Charles, resuming their regular route at Charles and Bay. Northbound buses will operate along their regular route to Bay and St. Mary Streets, then detour eastward along St. Mary, northward along Yonge and then westward along Bloor, resuming their regular route at Bloor and Bay.


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