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Kennedy Station Bus Platform Undergoes Construction. Surprise!

Passengers connecting between buses and the subway or the Scarborough RT today are going to be in for some disruption as the TTC starts phase one reconstructing the roadways that serve this major bus terminal. Monday to Friday, the north side bus platform will be closed, forcing passengers of the 12 A&B KINGSTON ROAD, 116E MORNINGSIDE, 131E NUGGET EXPRESS, 20 CLIFFSIDE and 113 DANFORTH to transfer outside of station property on Transway Crescent, immediately to the west of the station. An accessible route between the bus terminal and the temporary stops will be maintained, but paper transfers will be required between the subway, the SRT, the remaining buses and these affected routes.

The weekend offers even more disruption, as the entire bus platform will be closed, allowing passengers to connect only between the subway and the Scarborough RT. All buses will board on Transway Crescent, and paper transfers will be required for all routes.

The TTC has provided a PDF file illustrating this disruption, but you have to hunt surprisingly hard to find it. The notice is not listed in the TTC’s Scheduled Disruption Page but is instead found in the TTC’s Construction Project page with only the rather cryptic description of “Bus loading locations revised during roadway / platform reconstruction.” No mention of the seriousness of this disruption, nor any mention of how long this construction will take.

Thanks to reader Kevin Gray for the heads up.