Yesterday, Thursday, August 30, the TTC began the second phase of its project to reconstruct the bus platforms at Kennedy Station.
The TTC re-opened the north-side platform and began to work on the south side, with all buses that usually stopped on the north side of the station resuming service to their regular platform bays, and all buses that usually stop on the south side of the station stopping at new locations near the station.
On Mondays to Fridays, starting yesterday buses operating on the 20 Cliffside, 113 Danforth, 116E Morningside Express and 131E Nugget Express routes will stop on Transway Crescent near the west entrance into the station. Passengers travelling on those routes will need a paper transfer or a Metropass to transfer to or from the subway.
Next weekend, September 8 to 9, both the TTC will close both the north and the south platforms and all buses operating to Kennedy Station will stop on Transway Crescent. All passengers transferring between buses and the subway at Kennedy Station will require paper transfers or Metropasses.