Special events in Brampton, Burlington, Georgetown, Hamilton and Toronto will affect transit services this weekend.
The events affect these routes:
Brampton Transit: 2 Main
Burlington Transit: Ribfest Shuttle
GO Transit: 01 Lakeshore West, 09 Lakeshore East, 31 Georgetown.
Hamilton Street Railway: Tiger-Cats Express
Toronto Transit Commission: 29 Dufferin (daytime) , 193 Exhibition Rocket, 306 Carlton (overnight), 316 Ossington (overnight), 329 Dufferin (overnight), 506 Carlton (daytime), 509 Harbourfront, 511 Bathurst.
The events include:
Canada’s Largest Ribfest, Canadian Football League action, Canadian National Exhibition, Downtown (Brampton) Farmers’ Market, Downtown (Georgetown) Farmers’ Market, Fiera festival
Brampton Downtown Farmers’ Market
The City of Brampton will close Main Street between Theatre Lane and John Street on Saturday, September 1 from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. to accommodate the City of Brampton’s Downtown Farmers Market.
Brampton Transit will divert buses on the 2 Main route during the event. Southbound buses will operate along their regular route to Main Street North and Nelson Street West, then detour westward along Nelson, southward along George Streets North and South, eastward along Wellington Street West, resuming their regular route at Wellington and Main. Northbound buses reverse the routing.Burlington Canada’ Largest Ribfest
The Rotary Club of Burlington Lakeshore will again host its Canada’s Largest Ribfest event in Spencer Smith Park on the Burlington waterfront. The event takes place on Friday, August 31, from 11 a.m. until 11 p.m., Saturday, September 1, from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., Sunday, September 2, from noon until 11 p.m. and Labour Day, Monday, September 3 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
You can park for free at the Mapleview Centre and ride frequent Burlington Transit shuttle buses to Brant Street and Lakeshore Road, beside Spencer Smith Park every day of the event. Your $2.00 donation for the shuttle bus will support the Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital Auxilliary fundraising program.
Georgetown Downtown Farmers’ Market The Town of Halton Hills will close Main Street Georgetown on Saturday, September 1 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. to accommodate the Central Georgetown Business Improvement Area’s Downtown Farmers’ Market.
GO Transit will divert buses operating on its 31 Georgetown route during the event. All buses will remain on Guelph Street (Highway 7) and not serve the GO Agency at Main and Wesleyan Streets. Trips starting and ending at Georgetown will start and end at the Georgetown GO Station instead of Main and Wesleyan. Trips starting and ending in Guelph will travel into the GO Station and remain on Guelph Street instead of travelling to downtown Georgetown.
Hamilton The Hamilton Street Railway and the Hamilton Tiger-Cats will offer Canadian Football League fans free rides to and from Ivor Wynn Stadium this year. On Monday, September 4, at 1 p.m., the Ti-Cats face their traditional Labour Day rivals, the Toronto Argonauts, and the HSR’s “Ticket to Ride” (Tiger-Cats Express) shuttle buses will offer fans with valid game tickets a free ride to the stadium.
Tiger-Cats Express buses leave from four locations, beginning at 5 p.m. and running every 20 minutes until 6:30 p.m. Buses leave from: Limeridge Mall, Eastgate Terminal, University Plaza in Dundas, King Street East and Hughson Street in downtown Hamilton, running semi-express to the Stadium.
All buses will drop you off at a stop on the east side of Melrose Avenue beside the stadium. For fifteen minutes after the game is over, the buses will pick you up from a stop on the west side of Melrose and return to Limeridge, Eastgate, University Plaza and downtown.
Toronto Canadian National Exhibition
The Canadian National Exhibition began on Friday, August 17 and continues until Labour Day, Monday, September 3.
Transit agencies have increased service to handle the crowds headed to the “Ex”.
GO Transit will add extra service to the 01 Lakeshore West and 09 Lakeshore East lines, with more trains stopping at the Exhibition Station and some trips beginning or ending their schedules further east or west than normally. View special Exhibition period schedules for GO’s 01 Lakeshore West and 09 Lakeshore East lines. GO will add even more service to handle the extra crowds attending the “Ex” to see the Canadian International Air Show. The TTC has increased service frequency on its regular routes to the Exhibition: 29 Dufferin, 509 Harbourfront and 511 Bathurst. All buses on the 29 Dufferin service will end their routes at the Dufferin Gate loop. The TTC has cancelled the branches that usually run into Exhibition Place to serve the Princes’ Gates and Ontario Place until the CNE is over. Again this year, the TTC will also run an express bus route to the “Ex”. Buses on the 193 Exhbition Rocket route operate non-stop from Dundas West Station to the Dufferin Gates loop.The TTC usually diverts buses on the 316 Ossington and 329 Dufferin overnight routes during the CNE. Buses on these routes would normally travel through Exhibition Place.
Southbound buses on the 316 Ossington overnight route would likely operate along their regular route to King Street West and Shaw Street. Buses on the 316 Ossington route would not operate south of King Street and would not serve Douro Street, Strachan Avenue or Manitoba Drive. Northbound buses would begin their route at King and Shaw and then operate along their regular route. Southbound buses on the 329 Dufferin overnight route would operate along their regular route to Dufferin and Liberty Streets, then proceed eastward along Liberty, northward along Fraser Avenue, and eastward along King Street West to Shaw Street. Northbound buses would begin their routes at King and Shaw and operate westward along King, southward along Fraser and westward along Liberty, resuming their regular route at Liberty and Dufferin. Fiera The City of Toronto will close College Street between Shaw and Bathurst Streets from Saturday, September 1 at 9 a.m. to Monday, September 3 at 6 a.m. to accommodate the Little Italy Business Improvement Area’s annual Fiera.The TTC will divert transit services during the event. Eastbound streetcars on the 306 Carlton (overnight) and 506 Carlton (daytime) routes will operate along their regular route to College Street and Ossington Avenue, then detour southward along Ossington, eastward along Dundas Street West and northward along Bathurst Street, resuming their regular routes at College and Bathurst. Westbound cars will reverse this routing.