City News Is reporting that a shooting has shut down Spadina Station on the Yonge-University-Spadina line. According to reports subway service is down from St. George to St. Clair west station. Shuttle busses are running from St. George to St. Clair West.
Update: 11:59pm
I’ve gone to the scene myself to investigate the shuttle service. Things are organized (or as organized as could be expected) at St.Clair West and at St.George. TTC Supervisors are on the platform and at bus-level directing the public. Shuttles are fairly packed, with most being a few people short of a crush load. Most of the buses running the shuttle are low-floor, and are either signed “CHARTER”, “SPECIAL”, or “Yonge-University-Spadina Shuttle”
Spadina station is not as organized. Police cruisers, and special constables are at both entrances. The YUS part of the station is closed, while the BD (Bloor Danforth) section remains open. Two policemen and caution tape block the long walkway. Outside Spadina station is a fair bit of chaos. No TTC supervisors are on site, that I could see, and only TTC constables were present. While they were friendly, unfortunately they did not seem to have as much awareness of the situation as the supervisors did, and many passengers became lost after exiting the station. Northbound buses had to load in the left lane directly in front of the station due to all the vehicles in the curb lane (Police, TTC, and media) however no loading was to have taken place here at all, but with little guidance to the public, the masses hopped on where ever they could.
For anyone who has to travel in the area, there are alternatives to the shuttles, which can become bogged down in traffic, as south of Davenport the route is crowded. The Bathurst bus can take you from the Bloor-Danforth subway to near St.Clair West station (A walk of about 2 minutes will get you from there to the entrance to the subway) while the Christie bus will take you straight there, but you might have to wait a while for the bus to arrive. Both of these methods will require a transfer to complete the journey. Another option is the Ossington bus which can take you from Ossington Station, northbound to Eglinton West, thereby by-passing the problem in its entirety. Anyone heading or coming in from the east can take the St.Clair Streetcar, which runs between St.Clair and St.Clair West stations. Neither of these two options require a transfer.
Update: Mar 29. 12:30am
CTV News is now reporting that “the shooting occurred on a northbound subway car” near Spadina Station, and the victim (a 17 year old girl) was shot “after the girl and a male got into an argument.” Inside a Subway Train.