Update, April 5, 11 a.m.: The “affected work area” appears to be the section of Queen between Coxwell and Connaught Avenues, where the City is cleaning out sewers.
Streetcars are operating as far east as Neville Park Boulevard and not ending their eastbound trips at Coxwell as the TTC map indicates. Both streetcars and buses are operating between Neville and Coxwell.
The west-end loop is, indeed, clockwise: River, Dundas and Carroll.
Streetcars are only “running in” and “running out” of service from their home base at Russell Carhouse westward from Russell. Streetcars on the 506 Carlton route that would ordinarily run out along Queen between the carhouse and Coxwell Avenue are instead running westward along Queen to Broadview Avenue before joining their route at Broadview and Gerrard Street East.
The work is only taking place from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. on both days, so streetcars on the 301 Queen (overnight) route won’t be detouring and will operate along their regular route.
Construction projects will affect TTC service on Queen Street East and Sherbourne Street this weekend.
The construction affects these routes: 75 Sherbourne, 301 Queen (overnight), 501 Queen.
Queen Street East:
The TTC has announced on its website that it will divert streetcars on April 5 and 6 around the “affected work area”, but has not specified where that area is or what work is taking place. The TTC also has not provided the the exact time that the route detour will occur. TTC Information staff suggest that this means that the detour will occur all weekend or from the start of service about 5 a.m. on Saturday, April 5, until the start of service about 5 a.m. on Monday, April 7.
301 Queen (overnight): 501 Queen:Westbound streetcars operate along their regular route to Queen Street East and Coxwell Avenue, then detour:
northbound along Coxwell;
westbound along Gerrard Street East; and then
southbound along Broadview Avenue to Queen,
resuming their regular route westward along Queen.Eastbound cars reverse this routing.
The TTC will operate shuttle buses along Queen Street East between Coxwell Avenue and River Street to replace the streetcars. The TTC map indicates a wide loop at River for these buses, but does not show the direction of the loop. However, buses will likely loop clockwise from Queen and River:
northward along River;
eastward along Dundas Street East; and then
southward along Carroll Street to Queen,
and then proceeding eastward along Queen.The TTC also has not indicated a loop for the buses at Coxwell Avenue, but they will likely follow the regular loop for buses operating on the 22 Coxwell loop from Queen and Eastern Avenue:
south- and westward along Eastern; and then
northward along Coxwell to Queen,
and then proceeding westward along Queen.
You can see a map of the detour here.
Sherbourne Street
The City of Toronto will close Sherbourne Street, just north of Wellesley Street East to allow cranes to hoist building materials at 500 Sherbourne Street from 7 a.m. on Saturday, April 6 until 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, April 7.
75 Sherbourne:Southbound buses operate along their regular route to Sherbourne and Isabella Streets, then detour:
westward along Isabella;
southward along Jarvis Street; and then
eastward along Wellesley Street East to Sherbourne,
resuming their regular route southward along Sherbourne.Northbound buses will reverse this routing.
You can see a map of the detour here.