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Vaughan open house on transit and development along Yonge Street, June 5

What if the subway stretched northward along Yonge Street to Richmond Hill? How can the City of Vaughan make sure that any development along the west side of Yonge justifies subway service, without destroying heritage areas — such as Thornhill Village — along the way?

Find out the answers to these and other questions as Vaughan staff host an public information open house on the upcoming Yonge Street Area Study.

The meeting takes place:

Thursday, June 5
7:30 until 9:30 p.m.
Thornhill Presbyterian Church
Fellowship Hall
271 Centre Street, Thornhill (West of the Yonge Street and Centre Street intersection)

The City is starting the study to determine the most appropriate form of land use and development on the west side of Yonge Street between Steeles Avenue and Highway 407 (excluding the Thornhill Heritage Conservation District.) Development on the Yonge Street corridor should be transit-supportive in form and density.

This community consultation meeting will introduce the study to area residents, discuss the Study’s timing and process, and identify members of the public who will form a committee to provide input to the study.

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