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Guelph Transit further detours buses during construction

The City of Guelph has re-opened Emma Street between Delhi Street and Pleasant Road. Guelph Transit buses resume service along that short section of Emma, while detouring around the ongoing construction east of Pleasant.

8 General Hospital:

Outbound buses (buses that travel away from downtown Guelph) operate along their regular route to Emma Street and Pleasant Road, then detour:

south- and eastbound along Pleasant to Metcalfe Street,
resuming their regular route southbound along Metcalfe.

You can see a map of the revised route here. (.pdf)

Passengers riding buses traveling along the 8 General Hospital route should be used to detours after almost a year of construction.

Guelph Transit detoured the buses during a City construction project at the intersection of Emma and Delhi last year for several weeks, starting August 1, 2007.

This year, the project to rebuild Emma between Delhi Street and Pine Drive diverted buses to nearby Paul Avenue, starting April 21.

Since May 5, 2008, buses operating on the 8 General Hospital route have also detoured near Eramosa and Victoria Roads during another City of Guelph construction project.