Three City of Guelph construction projects continue to affect Guelph Transit services on the 8 General Hospital and 61 Victor Davis routes:
- a project to rebuild the Eramosa Road bridge across the Speed River;
- a project to rebuild the intersection of Eramosa and Victoria Roads;
- a project to rebuild Emma Street between Delhi and Metcalfe Streets.
The City has been rebuilding the bridge since July 14. After today, Wednesday, August 27, it will start the final phase of the project and close the bridge to buses until mid-September.
8 General Hospital
Inbound buses (buses traveling toward downtown Guelph) operate along their regular route to Eramosa Road and Arthur Street North, then detour:
southward along Arthur;
westward along Macdonnell Street;
northward along Woolwich Street; and then
southward along Wyndham Street North to St. George’s Square,
ending their trips.Outbound buses (buses traveling away from downtown Guelph) start their trips at St. George’s Square, then proceed:
southward along Wyndham Street North;
eastward along Macdonnell Street;
northward along Arthur Street North to Eramosa Road,
resuming their regular route northeastward along Eramosa.You can see a map of the detour here. (.pdf)
61 Victor Davis
Eramosa and Victoria RoadsInbound buses operate along their regular route.
Outbound buses start their trips at St. George’s Square, then proceed:
northward along Wyndham Street North;
southward along Woolwich Street;
westward along Macdonnell Street;
northward along Arthur Street North to Eramosa Road,
resuming their regular route northwestward along Eramosa.You can see a map of the detour here. (.pdf)
8 General Hospital
61 Victor Davis
Emma StreetThe City started the project to rebuild the intersection on May 5. The project has ended and buses have resumed their regular routes.
8 General Hospital
Buses continue to detour around the construction project, which has closed the street in various phases since April 21.
Buses continue to follow the detour they started on July 7.
Inbound buses operate along their regular route.
Outbound buses operate along their regular route to Emma Street and Pleasant Road, then detour:
south- and eastward along Pleasant to Metcalfe Street,
resuming their regular route southbound along Metcalfe.