Note: Oakville Transit information on its service changes and this post are still “under construction”. Transit Toronto will update the post as more information is available.
Oakville Transit will increase service on two of its routes, resume special services to high schools and operate seniors special routes, starting Tuesday, September 2.
Specificially, OT will: introduce new routes; increase service on current routes; resume services to high schools.
The changes affect these routes: 13 West Oak Trails; 200 Northridge; Abbey Park / Loyola High School Special; Holy Trinity High School Special; John R. Rhodes Residences Seniors Special; Knox Heritage Place Seniors Special; Oakville Senior Citizens Residence Seniors Special; White Oaks High School Special.
Introduce new routes
John R. Rhodes Residences Seniors SpecialSeniors special routes partly replace Oakville Transit’s community bus routes, which OT canceled on July 7, 2008.
Every Tuesday, buses leave the Rhodes Residences to carry passengers to Oakville Place, Trafalgar Village and Hopedale Mall. Buses leave the residences at 9:30, 10:15, 10:50, 11:35 a.m., 12:10, 12:55, 2, 2:45, 3:20 and 4:05 p.m.
The buses leave the residences and proceed:
northward along Kerr Street;
eastward along Stewart Street;
through 17 Stewart Street residence;
eastward along Stewart Street;
northward along Queen Mary Drive;
westward along Sheppard Road;
southward along Kerr Street;
eastward along Speers Road;
north- and eastward along Cross Street;
through Trafalger Village (mall);
east- and southward along South Service Road;
west- and southward along Argus Road;
eastward along Cross Street;
northward along Trafalgar Road; and then
westward along Leighland Avenue to Oakville Place (mall).The buses then reverse this route to Queen Mary and Stewart, then continue:
southward along Queen Mary;
westward along Bond Street; and then
northward along Kerr to the Rhodes Residences.
The buses then continue:
northward along Kerr;
eastward along Stewart;
through 17 Stewart;
westward along Stewart;
northward along Kerr;
westward along Speers;
southward along Dorval Drive;
westward along Rebecca Street to Hopedale Mall.
The buses then proceed:
Knox Heritage Place Seniors Specialeastward along Rebecca; and then
northward along Kerr to the John R. Rhodes Residences,
ending their trips.
Oakville Senior Citizens Residence Seniors SpecialEvery Friday, the bus leaves Knox Heritage Place to carry passengers to Wal-Mart, Oakville Place and Trafalgar Village at 9:30, 10, 10:40, 11:10, 11:50 a.m., 12:20, 1:30 and 2 p.m.
Oakville Transit has not posted the route map on its website.
Every Thursday, the bus leaves the Oakville Seniors Residence to carry passengers to the Bronte Village Mall, Hopedale Mall, Rotary Gardens, Trafalgar Village and Oakville Place at 9:30, 11:10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.
Oakville Transit has not posted the route map on its website.
Increase service on current routes 200 Northridge
13 West Oak TrailsStarting Tuesday, September 2, OT will operate buses from about 6 a.m. until 8:30 p.m., Mondays to Fridays. (Currently buses only operate along the route during Monday-to-Friday rush hours).
Starting Saturday, September 6, OT will increase the service to every 30 minutes from about 7:30 a.m. until 8:30 p.m. on Saturdays. (Currently buses only operate every hour along the route on Saturdays.)
Resume services to high schools Abbey Park / Loyola High School Special Holy Trinity High School Special White Oaks High School Special
Oakville Transit resumes special services to carry passengers to and from some Oakville secondary schools on Tuesday, September 2. Buses operate on the same schedules and routes as previous years.