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Buses resume service to Bathurst Station

On Saturday, August 30 the TTC resumed operating buses on the 7B Bathurst and 310 Bathurst (overnight) routes along Bathurst Street to Bathurst Station.

The TTC had detoured buses operating on the 7B Bathurst route to Spadina Station since July 14 and had detoured 310 Bathurst buses along Christie Street since May 20.

The TTC continues to split the regular 7 Bathurst bus route in two parts:

  • 7B — south of St. Clair West Station.
  • 7C — north of St. Clair West Station.

The TTC’s website and other information continue to suggest that the short-turn 7A Bathurst branch between Wilson and St. Clair West Stations will resume in the near future. However, the TTC has already agreed to cancel the branch when it makes its November service changes on Sunday, November 23.

Since the TTC has not posted its September service plan on its new website, no information is available whether the TTC will continue to operate a short-turn branch of the 26 Dupont route. Since it introduced this branch on May 20, when construction along Bathurst Street started, it has likely canceled this service.

For details on the Bathurst construction project, read Transit Toronto’s May 11, June 2 July 3 and July 18 posts.

You can also review the TTC and City of Toronto web page about the project here.

You can read James Bow’s history of streetcar service along Bathurst Street in the Transit Toronto archives here.