Reader Derek Watson writes:
I’m a transit junkie and so I recently went on a fruitless hunt for some official TTC signage to use as artwork in my apartment. After failing to find anything I went ahead and produced a line of custom TTC Subway wall decals. Check ‘em out!
As you can see from the website, these wall decals are easy to apply and are very attractive, excellent for individuals to show all their transit-geek cred. Designs are available for all 69 rapid transit stations, although most have not been added to the Walloper store yet. If you don’t see the station sign that you want, stay tuned.
Derek Watson has received plenty of attention for his latest artistic endeavour, with write-ups occurring on all the major Toronto blogs and even an article in the National Post. He deserves it, in my opinion, because what he has created is deeply cool. I’d buy one for my living room wall, if my wife would let me.