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Columbus construction affects DRT service

Tomorrow, Tuesday October 14, the Region of Durham will start a project to reconstruct the intersection of Simcoe Street North at Columbus Road in the village of Columbus. The project will likely continue until mid-November.

Durham Region Transit will detour bus service during the project.

950 Uxbridge / Port Perry / UOIT

Starting Tuesday, October 14, southbound buses operate along their regular route to Simcoe Street North and Howden Road, then detour:

eastward along Howden Road East;
southward along Ritson Road North; and then
westward along Winchester Road East to Simcoe,
resuming their regular route southward along Simcoe.

Northbound buses reverse this routing.

You can “flag” the bus — wave at the operator — if you want it to stop to pick you up at Simcoe Street North and Howden Road or Simcoe and Winchester Road.

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