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Transit agencies observe Earth Hour tonight

During Earth Hour from 8:30 until 9:30 p.m. tonight, Saturday, March 28, people around the world will turn off electrical lights, appliances and devices to show that they can conserve energy and help reduce global warming.

GO Transit, the TTC and other area transit agencies are observing the hour by reducing how much power they consume.

At 8:30 p.m. for one hour, GO Transit will reduce how much power it uses by reducing lighting where practical, while maintaining safe services for its customers. All GO trains and buses service will operate as usual.

On the Lakeshore East and West lines, train stations will have normal platform lighting, but GO staff will strategically turn off some parking lights so that they can still maintain customer safety and security. Station building lights will remain on.

On the other six lines, where GO does not operate weekend rail service, GO will turn off lighting on platforms and reduce light in parking lots.

At Union Station, GO staff will reduce lighting on rail platforms that GO does not use for its trains during Earth Hour. GO will switch off all non-essential lighting at the Hamilton GO Centre and Union Station bus terminals, bus storage facilities and train storage yards.

The TTC will turn off all non-essential lights at administrative buildings and major repair facilities such as Harvey and Duncan Shops at the Hillcrest complex.