The City of Toronto and WATERFRONToronto again want your feedback and ideas on removing, replacing, improving or maintaining the Frederick G. Gardiner Expressway from Lower Jarvis Street to east of the Don Valley Parkway.
This plan includes redesigning Lake Shore Boulevard East into a grand waterfront boulevard to help handle some of the traffic that currently travels along the Gardiner and, as part of a separate project, reconfiguring the expressway’s interchange with York, Bay and Yonge Streets.
How does this affect transit users?
Any project that proposes removing part of the Gardiner has direct impact on transit services. Many GO Transit bus routes, particularly those serving areas north and east of Toronto, travel along the Gardiner to reach the Union Station bus terminal. Similarly, demolishing the expressway and rebuilding Lake Shore would require the TTC to detour several bus and streetcar routes during the work.
Also, the goal of the project is to improve the central area of the city and access to the waterfront by transit passengers, pedestrians and cyclists.
This week and next, the City and WATERFRONToronto are hosting another series of public forums to learn what you think about their proposals as part of the environmental assessment process.
During this second round of forums, you can learn more about the key components of the project, ask questions and speak directly with members of the project team, offer input, and raise concerns.
The team will present a summary of the ideas, comments and information they received during the first set of public forums.
The public forums take place:
Thursday, April 23
Centennial College Residence and Conference Centre
940 Progress Avenue, Scarborough
Open house: From 6:30 until 7:30 p.m. (Open house)
Presentation: From 7:30 until 9 p.m.
Saturday, April 25
McKee Public School, Gymnasium
35 Church Avenue, North York
(east of Yonge Street, south of Finch Avenue East)
Open house: from 11 a.m. until noon.
Presentation from noon until 1:30 p.m.
Monday, April 27
Dundas Junior Public School, Gymnasium
935 Dundas Street East, Toronto
(east of Broadview Avenue)
Open house: From 6:30 until 7:30 p.m. (Open house)
Presentation: From 7:30 until 9 p.m.
Tuesday, April 28
Etobicoke Collegiate Institute, Auditorium
86 Montgomery Road, Etobicoke
(west of Royal York Road, between Dundas and Bloor Streets West)
Open house: From 6:30 until 7:30 p.m. (Open house)
Presentation: From 7:30 until 9 p.m.
If you can’t attend a meeting, you can participate online here.
You can learn more about the project here.