The TTC is detouring buses operating along the 6 Bay route during a film shoot at Bay Street and Adelaide Street West again this weekend. (It previously detoured buses for the same shoot last weekend, Saturday, October 31 and Sunday, November 1.)
From 7 a.m. Saturday, November 7 until 2 a.m. Sunday, November 9, southbound buses operate along their regular route to Bay Street and Richmond Street West, then detour:
westward along Richmond West;
southward along University Avenue; and then
eastward along King Street West to Bay,
resuming their regular route southward along Bay.Southbound buses skip their regular stops on Bay Street south of Richmond Street West and and at Adelaide and King Streets West.
Northbound buses operate along their regular route to Bay Street and King Street West, then detour:
eastward along King West;
northward along Yonge Street; and then
westward along Richmond Street West to Bay,
resuming their regular route northward along Bay.Northbound buses skip their regular stops on Bay Street at Adelaide Street West.
The 48th Highlanders Remembrance Day Parade may also delay passengers at Bay Street and Queen Street West from about 10 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, November 8.