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Less service to high schools after December 18

Most area secondary schools end their autumn term next week, so fewer students and staff are traveling by transit to high schools. Tomorrow, Friday, December 18 is the last day in 2009 that Greater Toronto Area and Golden Horseshoe transit agencies operate special routes and services to high schools.

Barrie Transit31 Essa, 41 Allandale.

Brampton Transit200 Turner Fenton Secondary School high school special, 201 Mayfield Secondary School high school special, 202 Mayfield Secondary School high school special, 203 Mayfield Secondary School high school special, 204 Mayfield Secondary School high school special, 205 St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School high school special, 206 St. Augustine Secondary School high school special, 207 Mayfield Secondary School high school special, 208 Mayfield Secondary School high school special, 209 St. Augustine Secondary School high school special.

Burlington Transit78 Aldershot high school special, 79 Rolling Meadows / M. M. Robinson / Notre Dame high school special, 81 Corpus Christi high school special, 83 Corpus Christi high school special, 84 Notre Dame / M. M. Robinson / Rolling Meadows high school special, 85 Aldershot high school special, 86 Rolling Meadows high school special.

Durham Region Transit301 West Lynde / Otter Creek, 304 Anderson, 306 Dundas / Oshawa Centre, 308 Whitby Shores, 361 Sinclair Secondary high school special, 362 Sinclair Secondary high school special, 365 Henry Street high school special, 367 Father Austin high school special, 368 Father Austin high school special, 369 Father Austin high school special, 370 Father Austin high school special, 374 All Saints high school special, 375 All Saints high school special, 376 All Saints high school special, 377 All Saints high school special, 401 Simcoe, 403 Park, 407 Ritson, 408 Stevenson, 409 Thornton, 411 Grandview, 410 Olive / Harmony, 421 Town Line, 431 Peryma high school special, 432 Eastdale / Peryma high school special, 433 Peryma high school special, 434 Eastdale high school special, 435 Peryma high school special, 436 Holy Trinity high school special, 438 Holy Trinity high school special, 439 St. Stephens high school special, 501 Aspen Springs, 539 St. Stephens high school special, 916 Rossland; 1028 Liverpool, 1038 Amberlea, 1048 Glendale, 1058 West Shore, 1068 Bay Ridges, 1078 Rosebank, 1128 Brock, 114 Maple Ridge, 1228 Village East, 2208 Westney, 2218 Delaney high school special, 2228 Audley South, 2248 Harwood, 2258 Audley North, 2268 Duffins, 2298 Elm, 2328 Village, 2358 Puckrin, 2408 Applecroft, 7028 Pine Ridge shuttle.

Guelph TransitHart’s Lane high school special, John F. Ross high school special, Lourdes high school special.

Grand River TransitBluevale high school specials, Cameron Heights high school specials, Eastwood high school specials, Forest Heights high school specials, Galt Collegiate high school specials, Grand River high school specials, Huron Heights high school specials, Jacob Hespler high school specials, Kitchener Collegiate high school specials, Macdonald high school specials, Preston high school specials, Resurrection high school specials, St. Benedict high school specials, St. David high school specials, St. Mary’s high school specials,Waterloo Collegiate high school specials.

Mississauga Transit301 Philip Pocock - Tomken high school special, 302 Philip Pocock - Bloor high school special, 303 Father Goetz - Square One high school special, 304 Father Goetz - Mississauga Valley high school special, 305 Streetsville Secondary - Falconer high school special, 306 Streetsville Secondary - Square One high school special, 308 St. Joseph - Eglinton high school special, 309 St. Joseph - Rathburn high school special, 310 Clarkson Secondary - Winston Churchill high school special, 311 John Cabot - Square One high school special, 312 Gordon Graydon - Square One high school special, 314 Rick Hanson - Donway high school special, 315 Rick Hanson - Square One high school special, 316 St. Francis Xavier high school special, 317 Clarkson — Erindale Secondary high school special, 318 Cawthra Secondary - Square One high school special, 319 Port Credit Secondary - Square One high school special, 320 Cawthra Secondary - Lorne Park high school special, 321 Stephen Lewis / Joan of Arc high school special, 328 Cawthra Secondary - Bloor high school special, 334 St. Joseph - Square One high school special.

Oakville Transit71 White Oaks Secondary high school special, 80 Holy Trinity high school special, 81 Loyola / Abbey Park high school special, 82 Loyola North high school special, 84 Oakville Trafalgar high school special, 85Iroquois Ridge high school special.

York Region Transit1 Highway 7, 2 Milliken, 2A 14th Avenue, 4A Major Mackenzie, 9 9th Line, 18 Bur Oak, 22 King City, 31 Aurora North, 32 Aurora South, 42 Berczy - South Unionville, 45 Mingay, 52 Holland Landing, 81 Inspiration, 82 Valleymede - Spadina, 83 Trench, 84 Oak Ridges, 85 Rutherford - 16th Avenue, 86 Weldrick - Newkirk, 400 Brother Andre via Raymerville high school special, 404 Father McGivney high school special via Kennedy / Warden, 409 Markham District high school special via Bur Oak, 410 Markham District high school special via Hollingham / Raymerville, 413 St. Robert /Thornlea high school special, 414 Unionville / Bill Crothers high school special, 415 Stouffville high school special, 415 Pierre Elliott Trudeau high school special, 420 Newmarket High School high school special via Savage, 421 Newmarket high school special via Stonehaven, 422 Huron Heights high school special, 423 Newmarket high school special, 424 Keswick high school special, 425 Holland Landing - Huron Heights high school special, 426 Dr. G.W. Williams Secondary high school special, 427 Sacred Heart high school special, 440 St. Theresa high school special, 441 Richmond Hill high school special, 443 Cardinal Carter high school special, 444 Langstaff high school special, 445 St. Robert high school special via Valleymede / Spadina, 446 St. Theresa high school special, 447 St. Theresa high school special, 448 Richmond Hill high school special, 449 Richmond Green high school special via Hillmount, 450 St. Theresa high school special, 451 Langstaff high school special, 452 Richmond Green high school special via Hazelton, 461 Emily Carr high school special, 460 Holy Cross Academy high school special, 462 Maple high school special, 463 Vellore high school special, 464 St. Joan of Arc high school special, 465 St. Joan of Arc high school special.

Barrie Transit high school service
41 Allandale
31 Essa

Buses on some trips do not divert from their regular routes to operate closer to Bear Creek Secondary School after Friday December 18. Buses resume operating along the high school diversion on Monday, January 4, 2010.

Brampton Transit high school service
201 Mayfield Secondary School
202 Mayfield Secondary School
203 Mayfield Secondary School
204 Mayfield Secondary School
207 Mayfield Secondary School
208 Mayfield Secondary School
206 St. Augustine Secondary School
209 St. Augustine Secondary School
205 St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School
200 Turner Fenton Secondary School

Buses will not operate along these high school special routes after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating along the routes on Monday, January 4, 2010.

Burlington Transit high school service
78 Aldershot high school special
85 Aldershot high school special
81 Corpus Christi high school special
83 Corpus Christi high school special
84 Notre Dame / M. M. Robinson / Rolling Meadows high school special
86 Rolling Meadows high school special
79 Rolling Meadows / M. M. Robinson / Notre Dame high school special

Buses will not operate along these high school special routes after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating along the routes on Monday, January 4, 2010.

Durham Region Transit high school service

DRT high school special routes
374 All Saints Secondary high school special
375 All Saints Secondary high school special
376 All Saints Secondary high school special
377 All Saints Secondary high school special
2218 Delaney high school special (Archbishop Denis O’Connor Catholic High School)
2218 Delaney high school special (Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School)
434 Eastdale high school special
432 Eastdale / Peryma high school special
367 Father Austin high school special
368 Father Austin high school special
369 Father Austin high school special
370 Father Austin high school special
361Henry Street high school special
436 Holy Trinity high school special
438 Holy Trinity high school special
433 Peryma high school special
435 Peryma high school special
7028 Pine Ridge shuttle
439 St. Stephens high school special
539 St. Stephens high school special
361Sinclair Secondary high school special
362Sinclair Secondary high school special

Buses will not operate along these high school special routes after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating along the routes on Monday, January 4, 2010.

Regular DRT routes with branches serving high schools:
103 Amberlea

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to and from Dunbarton High School or St. Mary’s Catholic High School after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

304 Anderson

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to Father Leo J. Austin Catholic Secondary School after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

2408 Applecroft

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to and from Ajax High School, Archbishop Denis O’Connor Catholic High School, J. Clarke Richardson Collegiate or Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

501 Aspen Springs

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to and from St. Stephen’s Catholic Secondary School after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

2258 Audley North

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to and from J. Clarke Richardson Collegiate or Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

2228 Audley South

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to and from Ajax High School or Archbishop Denis O’Connor Catholic High School after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

1068 Bay Ridges

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to and from Dunbarton High School, Pine Ridge Secondary School, Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School or St. Mary’s Catholic High School after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

1128 Brock

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to and from Dunbarton High School, Pine Ridge Secondary School, Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School or St. Mary’s Catholic High School after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

2268 Duffins

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to and from Ajax High School or Archbishop Denis O’Connor Catholic High School after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

306 Dundas / Oshawa Centre

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to Father Leo J. Austin Catholic Secondary School after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

2298 Elm

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to and from J. Clarke Richardson Collegiate after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

1048 Glendale

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to and from Dunbarton High School or St. Mary’s Catholic High School after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

4118 Grandview

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to and from Monseigneur John Pereyma Catholic High School after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

2248 Harwood

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to and from Ajax High School or Archbishop Denis O’Connor Catholic High School after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

1028 Liverpool

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to and from Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School or St. Mary’s Catholic High School after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

1148 Maple Ridge

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to and from St. Mary’s Catholic High School after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

410 Olive / Harmony

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to and from Monseigneur Paul Dwyer Catholic Secondary School after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

916 Rossland

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to and from Monseigneur Paul Dwyer Catholic Secondary School or O’Neill Collegiate and Vocational Institute after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

4038 Park

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to and from Monseigneur John Pereyma Catholic High School after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

2358 Puckrin

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to and from J. Clarke Richardson Collegiate after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2009.

407 Ritson

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to and from Monseigneur John Pereyma Catholic High School, Monseigneur Paul Dwyer Catholic Secondary School or O’Neill Collegiate and Vocational Institute after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2009.

1078 Rosebank

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to and from Dunbarton High School or St. Mary’s Catholic High School after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

401 Simcoe

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to and from Monseigneur Paul Dwyer Catholic Secondary School or O’Neill Collegiate and Vocational Institute after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

408 Stevenson

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling from Monseigneur Paul Dwyer Catholic Secondary School after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

409 Thornton

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to and from Monseigneur Paul Dwyer Catholic Secondary School or R.S. McLaughlin Collegiate and Vocational Institute after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

421 Town Line

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to and from Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

2328 Village

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to and from Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

1228 Village East

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to and from Pine Ridge Secondary School or Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

301 West Lynde / Otter Creek

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to and from All Saints Catholic Secondary School or Henry Street High School after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

2208 Westney

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to and from J. Clarke Richardson Collegiate or Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

1058 West Shore

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to and from Dunbarton High School or St. Mary’s Catholic High School after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

308 Whitby Shores

Buses will not operate on special trips to serve passengers traveling to and from Henry Street High School after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating on the special high school trips on Monday, January 4, 2010.

Grand River Transit high school service
Bluevale high school specials
Cameron Heights high school specials
Eastwood high school specials
Forest Heights high school specials
Galt Collegiate high school specials
Grand River high school specials
Huron Heights high school specials
Jacob Hespler high school specials
Kitchener Collegiate high school specials
Macdonald high school specials
Preston high school specials
Resurrection high school specials
St. Benedict high school specials
St. David high school specials
St. Mary’s high school specials
Waterloo Collegiate high school specials

Buses do not operate along these high school special routes after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating along the routes on Monday, January 4, 2010.

Guelph Transit high school service
Hart’s Lane high school special
John F. Ross high school special
Lourdes high school special

Buses do not operate along these high school special routes after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating along the routes on Monday, January 4, 2010.

Mississauga Transit high school service
328 Cawthra Secondary - Bloor high school special,
320 Cawthra Secondary - Lorne Park high school special,
318 Cawthra Secondary - Square One high school special,
317 Clarkson - Erindale Secondary high school special,
310 Clarkson Secondary - Winston Churchill high school special,
303 Father Goetz - Square One high school special,
304 Father Goetz - Mississauga Valley high school special,
312 Gordon Graydon - Square One high school special,
311 John Cabot - Square One high school special,
301 Philip Pocock - Tomken high school special,
302 Philip Pocock - Bloor high school special,
319 Port Credit Secondary - Square One high school special,
314 Rick Hanson - Donway high school special,
315 Rick Hanson - Square One high school special,
316 St. Francis Xavier high school special,
308 St. Joseph - Eglinton high school special,
309 St. Joseph - Rathburn high school special,
334 St. Joseph - Square One high school special.
305 Streetsville Secondary - Falconer high school special,
306 Streetsville Secondary - Square One high school special,
321 Stephen Lewis / Joan of Arc high school special

Buses do not operate along these high school special routes after Friday, December 18. Buses resume operating along the routes on Monday, January 4, 2010.

Oakville Transit high school service
80 Holy Trinity high school special
85 Iroquois Ridge high school special
81 Loyola / Abbey Park high school special
82 Loyola North high school special
84 Oakville Trafalgar high school special
71 White Oaks Secondary high school special

Buses do not operate along these high school special routes after Friday, December 19. Buses resume operating along the routes on Monday, January 5, 2009.

York Region Transit high school service

YRT high school special routes
400 Brother Andre high school special via Raymerville
443 Cardinal Carter high school special
426 Dr. G.W. Williams Secondary high school special
428 Dr. G.W. Williams Secondary high school special
461 Emily Carr high school special
404 Father McGivney high school special via Kennedy / Warden
425 Holland Landing - Huron Heights high school special
460 Holy Cross Academy high school special
422 Huron Heights high school special
424 Keswick high school special
444 Langstaff high school special
451 Langstaff high school special
462 Maple high school special
409 Markham District high school special via Bur Oak
410 Markham District high school special via Hollingham / Raymerville
423 Newmarket high school special
420 Newmarket high school special via Savage
421 Newmarket high school special via Stonehaven
418 Pierre Elliott Trudeau high school special
449 Richmond Green high school special via Hillmount
452 Richmond Green high school special via Hazelton
441 Richmond Hill high school special
448 Richmond Hill high school special
427 Sacred Heart high school special
464 St. Joan of Arc high school special
465 St. Joan of Arc high school special
413 St. Robert / Thornlea high school special
445 St. Robert high school special via Valleymede / Spadina
440 St. Theresa high school special
446 St. Theresa high school special
447 St. Theresa high school special
450 St. Theresa high school special
415 Stouffville high school special
414 Unionville / Bill Crothers high school special
463 Vellore high school special

Buses will not operate along these high school special routes after Friday, December 19. Buses resume operating along the routes on Monday, January 5, 2009.

Regular YRT routes with branches or extra service to high schools
31 Aurora North

Buses continue to divert from their regular route to serve passengers traveling to and from Aurora High School throughout the holidays.

32 Aurora South

Buses continue to divert from their regular route to serve passengers traveling to and from Dr. G.W. Williams Secondary School throughout the holidays.

91 Bayview South

Buses continue to divert from their regular route to serve passengers traveling to and from Thornlea Secondary School throughout the holidays.

42 Berczy - South Unionville

Buses continue to divert from their regular route to serve passengers traveling to and from Bill Crothers Secondary School throughout the holidays.

18 Bur Oak

Buses continue to divert from their regular route to serve passengers traveling to and from Bur Oak Secondary School throughout the holidays.

2A 14th Avenue

Buses continue to divert from their regular route to serve passengers traveling to and from Markham District High School throughout the holidays.

1 Highway 7

Buses continue to divert from their regular route to serve passengers traveling to and from Markham District High School throughout the holidays.

52 Holland Landing

Buses continue to divert from their regular route to serve passengers traveling to and from Dr. John Denison Secondary School throughout the holidays.

81 Inspiration

Buses continue to divert from their regular route to serve passengers traveling to and from Richmond Hill High School throughout the holidays.

22 King City

Buses continue to divert from their regular route to serve passengers traveling to and from St. Thomas of Villanova College throughout the holidays.

4 Major Mackenzie

Buses continue to divert from their regular route to serve passengers traveling to and from St. Joan of Arc Catholic Secondary School throughout the holidays.

2 Milliken

Buses continue to divert from their regular route to serve passengers traveling to and from MIddlefield Collegiate Institute throughout the holidays.

45 Mingay

Buses continue to divert from their regular route to serve passengers traveling to and from Bur Oak Secondary School throughout the holidays.

9 9th Line

Buses continue to divert from their regular route to serve passengers traveling to and from Markham District High School throughout the holidays.

84 Oak Ridges

Buses continue to divert from their regular route to serve passengers traveling to and from Cardinal Carter Catholic High School throughout the holidays.

85 Rutherford - 16th Avenue

Buses continue to divert from their regular route to serve passengers traveling to and from Brother Andre Catholic High School throughout the holidays.

83 Trench

Buses continue to divert from their regular route to serve passengers traveling to and from Richmond Hill High School throughout the holidays.

82 Valleymede - Spadina

Buses continue to divert from their regular route to serve passengers traveling to and from Richmond Hill High School throughout the holidays.

86 Weldrick - Newkirk

Buses continue to divert from their regular route to serve passengers traveling to and from St. Jean Vanier Catholic School throughout the holidays.