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GRT revises service, January 4

Grand River Transit is making minor changes to its routes and services, starting Monday, January 4. It’s also resuming full service along many routes that it decreased or revised for the holidays, starting Monday, December 21.

The changes affect these routes: iXpress, 3 Ottawa South, 7 Mainline; 9 Lakeshore, 11 Country Hills, 12 Conestoga Mall - Fairview Mall, 13 Laurelwood, 17 Heritage Park, 20 Victoria Hills, 24 Highland; 25 Queen South, 27 Chicopee; 51 Hespeler Rd.; 52 Fairview Mall - Ainslie St.; 61 Cambridge Centre - Conestoga College, 110 Fairview Park - Conestoga College express, 111 Ainslie St. - Conestoga College express, 116 Forest Glen - Conestoga College express; Bluevale high school specials; Cameron Heights high school specials; Eastwood high school specials; Forest Heights high school specials; Galt Collegiate high school specials; Grand River high school specials; Huron Heights high school specials; Jacob Hespler high school specials; Kitchener Collegiate high school specials; Macdonald high school specials; Preston high school specials; Resurrection high school specials; St. Benedict high school specials; St. David high school specials; St. Mary’s high school specials; Waterloo Collegiate high school specials; Kumpf morning special

Specifically, GRT is: increasing service along current routes; decreasing service along current routes; increasing the frequency of service along current routes; resuming extra service to colleges and universities; resuming extra service to high schools; adjusting the schedules of current routes.

Increasing service along current routes

111 Ainslie St. - Conestoga College express

Starting Monday, January 4, GRT resumes operating regular service along the route. GRT canceled all service along the route for the holidays, starting Monday, December 21.

61 Cambridge Centre - Conestoga College express

Starting Monday, January 4, GRT resumes operating buses along the route from about 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Mondays to Fridays. GRT canceled all Monday-to-Friday midday service along the route for the holidays, starting Monday, December 21. Buses now operate Mondays to Fridays from about 7 a.m. until 5 p.m.

12 Conestoga Mall - Fairview Mall express

Starting Monday, January 4, GRT resumes operating east- and westbound short-turn buses between Highland Hills Mall and University Avenue East at Lincoln Road from about 9 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. Mondays to Fridays and Monday-to-Friday evenings. GRT canceled the short-turn trips for the holidays, starting Monday, December 21.

52 Fairview Mall - Ainslie St.

Starting Sunday, January 10, GRT operates an earlier southbound Sunday and holiday mornings. The bus leaves Fairview Mall at 10 a.m.

GRT is also adjusting the schedule of the route.

You can view the new schedule here. (.pdf)

110 Fairview Park - Conestoga College express

Starting Monday, January 4, GRT resumes regular service. GRT canceled all service along the route for the holidays, starting Monday, December 21.

116 Forest Glen - Conestoga College express

Starting Monday, January 4, GRT resumes operating buses Monday-to-Friday afternoons only. Full regular service resumes on Monday, January 11. GRT canceled all service along the route for the holidays, starting Monday, December 21.

17 Heritage Park

Starting Monday, January 4, GRT resumes operating the southbound bus that leaves Lackner Boulevard and Victoria Street North at 7:25 a.m. Mondays to Fridays. GRT canceled the bus for the holidays, starting Monday, December 21.


Starting Monday, January 4, GRT resumes operating the northbound bus that leaves the Charles Street Terminal at 7:40 a.m. Mondays to Fridays and arrives at the William R. Davis Computer Centre at the University of Waterloo at 8:10 a.m. GRT canceled the bus for the holidays, starting Monday, December 21.

Kumpf morning special

Starting Monday, January 4, GRT operates a new northbound express bus, leaving the Charles Street Terminal at 6:13 a.m. Mondays to Fridays.

7 Mainline

Starting Monday, January 4, GRT resumes operating the northbound bus that leaves the Charles Street Terminal at 8 a.m. Mondays to Fridays. The bus usually operates along Columbia Street West, arriving at the Ring Road and Columbia Street West on the University of Waterloo campus at 8:25 a.m. It also resumes operating the southbound bus that leaves Uptown Waterloo at the Waterloo Towne Square at 2:20 a.m. Mondays to Fridays. The bus usually operates along Connaught Street and arrives at Fairview Mall at 2:57 p.m. GRT canceled the buses for the holidays, starting Monday, December 21.

Decreasing service along current routes

11 Country Hills

Starting Monday, January 4, GRT no longer operates the two westbound buses that left the Charles Street Terminal at 7:15 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. during the holiday period. GRT decreased the frequency for the holidays, starting Monday, December 21.

GRT is also increasing the frequency of service along the route and adjusting the schedule of the route.

20 Victoria Hills

GRT no longer operates the extra outbound bus that leaves the Charles Street Terminal at 8:15 a.m. Mondays to Fridays and ends its trip at Hazelglen and Ingleside Drives at 8:26 a.m. GRT decreased the frequency for the holidays, starting Monday, December 21.

GRT is also adjusting the schedule of the route.

Increasing the frequency of service along current routes

11 Country Hills

Starting Monday, January 4, GRT resumes the Monday-to-Friday rush-hour frequency of every 15 minutes. GRT decreased the frequency for the holidays, starting Monday, December 21.

GRT is also decreasing service along the route and adjusting the schedule of the route.

51 Hespeler Rd.

Starting Monday, January 4, GRT resumes operating buses every 15 minutes during Monday-to-Friday morning rush hours. Buses operate every 15 minutes all day Mondays to Fridays. GRT decreased the frequency for the holidays, starting Monday, December 21.

9 Lakeshore

Starting Monday, January 4 GRT resumes operating buses every 15 minutes Mondays to Fridays only during the rush hours. GRT decreased the frequency for the holidays, starting Monday, December 21.

GRT is also adjusting the schedule of the route.

13 Laurelwood

Starting Monday, January 4 GRT resumes operating buses every 15 minutes Mondays to Fridays only during the rush hours. GRT decreased the frequency for the holidays, starting Monday, December 21.

3 Ottawa South

Starting Monday, January 4 GRT resumes operating buses every 15 minutes Mondays to Fridays only during the rush hours. GRT decreased the frequency for the holidays, starting Monday, December 21.

25 Queen South

Starting Monday, January 4 GRT resumes operating buses every 15 minutes Mondays to Fridays only during the rush hours. GRT decreased the frequency for the holidays, starting Monday, December 21.

Resuming extra service to colleges and universities

111 Ainslie St. - Conestoga College express

Starting Monday, January 4, GRT resumes operating regular service to and from Conestoga College’s Doon Campus.

61 Cambridge Centre - Conestoga College express

Starting Monday, January 4, GRT resumes operating buses to and from Conestoga College’s Doon Campus from about 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Mondays to Fridays.

12 Conestoga Mall - Fairview Mall express

Starting Monday, January 4, GRT resumes operating east- and westbound short-turn buses between Highland Hills Mall and University Avenue East at Lincoln Road from about 9 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. Buses pick up and drop off passengers at stops along University Avenues West and East every 15 minutes Mondays to Fridays between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m., serving the University of Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier University and Conestoga College’s Waterloo campus.

110 Fairview Park - Conestoga College express

Starting Monday, January 4, GRT resumes regular service to Conestoga College’s Doon Campus.

116 Forest Glen - Conestoga College express

Starting Monday, January 4, GRT resumes operating buses Monday-to-Friday afternoons only to and from Conestoga College’s Doon Campus. Full regular service resumes on Monday, January 11.


Starting Monday, January 4, GRT resumes operating the northbound bus that leaves the Charles Street Terminal at 7:40 a.m. Mondays to Fridays and arrives at the University of Waterloo at 8:10 a.m.

9 Lakeshore

Starting Monday, January 4 GRT resumes operating buses to and from the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University every 15 minutes Mondays to Fridays only during the rush hours.

13 Laurelwood

Starting Monday, January 4 GRT resumes operating buses to and from the University of Waterloo every 15 minutes Mondays to Fridays only during the rush hours. GRT decreased the frequency for the holidays, starting Monday, December 21.

7 Mainline

Starting Monday, January 4, GRT resumes operating the northbound bus that leaves the Charles Street Terminal at 8 a.m. Mondays to Fridays. The bus usually operates along Columbia Street West, arriving at the Ring Road and Columbia Street West on the University of Waterloo campus at 8:25 a.m.

Resuming extra service to high schools

Bluevale high school specials
Cameron Heights high school specials
Eastwood high school specials
Forest Heights high school specials
Galt Collegiate high school specials
Grand River high school specials
Huron Heights high school specials
Jacob Hespler high school specials
Kitchener Collegiate high school specials
Macdonald high school specials
Preston high school specials
Resurrection high school specials
St. Benedict high school specials
St. David high school specials
St. Mary’s high school specials
Waterloo Collegiate high school specials

Buses resume operating along the routes on Monday, January 4.

Adjusting the schedule of current routes

27 Chicopee

Starting Monday, January 4, GRT adjusts the schedule of the route so that the northbound bus currently leaving Fairview Mall at 11:10 p.m. Mondays to Fridays leaves ten minutes earlier at 11 p.m.

You can view the new schedule here. (.pdf)

11 Country Hills

Starting Monday, January 4, the eastbound bus that leaves Forest Glen Plaza at 3:15 p.m. again arrives at the Charles five minutes later than it did during the holidays at 3:36 p.m. instead of 3:41 p.m. GRT had adjusted the schedule of this trip during the holidays, starting Monday, December 21.

GRT is also increasing the frequency of service and decreasing service along the route.

52 Fairview Mall - Ainslie St.

Starting Monday, January 4, GRT operates buses along the route with a completely new schedule. It has adjusted the times for buses to complete each trip so that buses keep on schedule more frequently.

GRT is also increasing service along the route.

You can view the new schedule here. (.pdf)

24 Highland

Starting Monday, January 4, GRT adjusts the schedule of the route so that two inbound buses currently leaving Highland Hills Mall at 5:40 and 6:10 p.m. Mondays to Fridays leave three minutes later at 5:43 and 6:13 p.m.

You can view the new schedule here. (.pdf)

9 Lakeshore

The westbound bus that currently leaves Conestoga Mall at 3:18 p.m. Mondays to Fridays leaves three minutes earlier at 3:15 p.m. GRT had adjusted the schedule of this trip during the holidays, starting Monday, December 21.

GRT is also increasing the frequency of service along the route.

20 Victoria Hills

Starting Monday, January 4, the inbound bus that started its trip from Hazelglen and Ingleside Drives at 8:26 p.m. Mondays to Fridays during the holidays, resumes its regular schedule by starting its trip at Victoria Street South and Hazelglen Drive at 8:24 a.m. GRT had adjusted the schedule of this trip during the holidays, starting Monday, December 21.

GRT is also decreasing service along the route.

Inbound buses operate toward downtown Kitchener.

Outbound buses operate away from downtown Kitchener.

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