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Barrie Transit raises fares, May 1

You’ll have to pay more to ride the bus in Barrie, starting next Tuesday, May 1.

If you’re an adult, student or child, the cash fare for Barrie Transit increases by ten cents, to $2.85, instead of $2.75. If you’re a senior, you’ll pay ten cents more, too, with your fares increasing to $2.50, instead of $2.40.

Barrie Transit is also hiking the cost for monthly passes. For adult passengers, the cost goes up to $80 each month from $77, for students to $62 from $59.50 and for seniors and children to $52.50 from $50.50. High-school students can still buy Power Passes to ride the bus Mondays to Fridays after school hours and all day weekends and holidays, but the cost will be $1 more — $26.75, instead of $25.75. Elementary-school children who need to ride the bus during school hours — Mondays to Fridays from 7:30 a.m. until 5 p.m (or their parents) can also buy monthly passes. The cost rises from $33.25 to $34.50.

For Georgian College students who want to buy a semester pass, the cost jumps $10 to $240 each semester from $230.

Barrie Transit is also increasing the cost of multiple-ride tickets, too. You can read a list of the fares, starting Tuesday, May 1, here. (.pdf)

Recent fare increases

2012 fare increases

The St. Catharines Transit Commission raised fares Monday, April 2.

Brampton Transit raised fares Monday, March 26.

GO Transit raised fares Saturday, February 18.

MiWay raised fares Monday, January 30.

The TTC raised fares New Year’s Day, New Year’s Day, Sunday, January 1.

York Region Transit and Oakville Transit alos raised fares New Year’s Day, Sunday, January 1.

Milton Transit also raised fares New Year’s Day, Sunday, January 1.

2011 fare increases

Guelph Transit and Port Colborne Transit raised fares Wednesday, September 1, 2011.

Grand River Transit, Niagara Falls Transit and Oakville Transit raised fares Friday, July 1, 2011.

Barrie Transit raised fares Sunday, May 1, 2011.

MiWay raised fares Monday, April 4, 2011.

Brampton Transit raised fares Monday, March 28, 2011.

2010 fare increases

Burlington Transit raised fares Thursday, April 1, 2010.

GO Transit raised fares Saturday, March 20, 2010.

Barrie Transit raised fares Monday, March 1, 2010.

Guelph Transit raised fares Monday, February 1, 2010.

The TTC raised fares Sunday, January 3, 2010.

The Hamilton Street Railway raised fares Friday, January 1, 2010.

2009 fare increases

Durham Region Transit raised fares Wednesday, July 1, 2009.

GO Transit raised fares Saturday, March 14, 2009.

The Region of Peel’s accessible door-to-door TransHelp service raised its fares Sunday, March 1, 2009.

Brampton Transit raised fares Monday February 16, 2009.

Guelph Transit raised fares Sunday, February 1, 2009.

Mississauga Transit raised the cost of fares Monday, January 26, 2009.

Burlington Transit raised the cost of cash fares, tickets and passes Sunday, January 4, 2009.

Barrie Transit raised the cost of monthly passes Thursday, January 1, 2009.

Oakville Transit raised the cost of adult cash fares Thursday, January 1, 2009.

York Region Transit raised the cost of adult cash fares Thursday, January 1, 2009.

2008 fare increases

Guelph Transit raised fares Sunday, July 6, 2008.

Durham Region Transit raised fares Tuesday, July 1, 2008.

Oakville Transit raised fares Tuesday, July 1, 2008.

GO Transit raised fares Saturday, March 15, 2008.

Mississauga Transit raised all fares Monday, February 25, 2008.

Brampton Transit “adjusted” fares Monday, January 28, 2008.

The Hamilton Street Railway raised fares Tuesday, January 1, 2008.

Mississauga Transit raised the cost of seniors passes Tuesday, January 1, 2008.

York Region Transit raised fares Tuesday, January 1, 2008.

2007 fare increases

The TTC raised fares Sunday, November 4, 2007.

Durham Region Transit raised all fares Sunday, July 1, 2007.

The Hamilton Street Railway raised fares Friday, June 1, 2007.

Barrie Transit raised fares Tuesday, May 1, 2007.

Milton Transit raised fares Monday, April 2, 2007.

Mississauga Transit raised fares Monday, February 26, 2007.

Brampton Transit raised fares [Monday, February 5, 2007.

York Region Transit raised fares Monday, January 1, 2007.

Durham Region Transit raised seniors and access fares only Monday, January 1, 2007.

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