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Rapidway on Highway 7 West:
More construction, December 19

Metrolinx and York Region contractors continue getting ready to build a rapidway — bus-only lanes in the centre of the roadway — along Highway 7 West from west of Jane Street to east of Keele Street.

As part of ongoing work to relocate hydro-electric services, crews are removing conductors from overhead hydro lines across Highway 7 West near Jane Street from 9:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. today, Friday, December 19. They’ll temporarily block east- and westbound traffic lanes on Highway 7 just east and west of Jane Street.

They may also intermittently affect traffic signals. Traffic-control staff and “paid-duty” York Regional Police officers will be on site. Expect delays and be construction-related noise from equipment and trucks.

Wherever possible, crews will keep sidewalks open. If they block a sidewalk, directional signs will guide pedestrians safely around the construction zone.

They’ll also maintain access to driveways in work areas.

During Highway 7 West rapidway construction, expect delays for:

  • Brampton Transit Züm express buses operating along the 501 Züm Queen route;
  • TTC buses operating along the 35D Jane and 107 Keele North routes; and
  • York Region Transit Viva express buses operating along the Viva orange route and YRT local buses operating along the 20 Jane and 77 Highway 7 routes.


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