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Burlington Transit detours buses
during road race, January 25

The City of Burlington is closing

  • Guelph Line between New Street and Lakeshore Road,
  • Lakeshore Road between Guelph Line and Brant Street

and other streets in central Burlington Sunday morning to accommodate the annual Robbie Burns 8K Road Race.

Burlington Transit is detouring buses operating along this route, while the street is closed:

  • 3 Guelph - Downtown.

Burlington Transit
3 Guelph - Downtown

From 9 until 11 a.m. Sunday, January 25, southbound buses operate along their regular route to Guelph Line and New Street, then detour:

westward along New;
southward along Martha Street;
westward along James Street;
southward along Elizabeth Street;
westward along Pine Street; and then
northward along John Street through the Downtown Burlington Transit Terminal,
resuming their regular route.

Southbound buses skip their regular stops

  • on Guelph Line south of New Street, across from Woodland Park Drive, at Second Street and north of Lakeshore Road and
  • on Lakeshore Road at Market and Green Streets, west of Delaware Avenue, at Stratheden Drive and Smith Avenue, west of Torrance Street and at Martha and Elizabeth Streets.

Instead, southbound buses drop off and pick up passengers

  • on New Street at Beverley Drive, across from Delaware Avenue, at the Seniors Centre, Drury Lane and Lorne and Martha Streets and
  • on James Street at Pearl Street.

Northbound buses reverse the southbound detour routing.

Northbound buses skip their regular stops

  • on Elizabeth Street at Lakeshore Road,
  • on Lakeshore Road east of Old Lakeshore Road, Smith Avenue, Cliffcrest Court and Green Street and at St. Paul Street,
  • on Guelph Line north of Lakeshore Road, at Princess Street and Woodland Park Drive and south of New Street.

Instead, northbound buses drop off and pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on James Street at Martha Street;
  • on New Street across from Holtby Avenue, at Smith Avenue, west of Stinson Avenue, across from the Seniors Centre, east of Delaware Avenue, across from Beverley Drive and at Guelph Line.