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City seeking "citizen-representatives"
on the Toronto Transit Commission

If you’re a member of the public who’s interested in public transit and looking for opportunities to contribute to the your community, the City of Toronto is looking for you. It’s encouraging citizens to apply for membership on the Toronto Transit Commission — the TTC’s board of directors.

The board oversees matters of TTC policy, planning its services, building, maintaining and operating Toronto’s transit system and expanding its services and facilities.

It consists of 11 members — seven members of City Council and four public members. City Council appoints one of its member as the chair of the board. The board elects a vice chair from among its public members. Each commissioner serves for four years. Commission meetings usually take place just once a month, although occasional extra meetings may also occur.

The City says it’s looking for public members of the board who “have directorship and executive-level experience and collectively represent a range of skills, knowledge, and experience with one or more large organizations in a variety of areas”, including:

  • strategic business management;
  • financial management, accounting, law, and engineering;
  • customer service or marketing management;
  • management or planning a rail or public-transit organization;
  • formulation or management of public-private partnerships;
  • capital project / construction management or capital procurement / supply-chain management operations and information technology;
  • labour relations / industrial safety management; and
  • understanding or experience with TTC operations.

If you’re interested in applying to be a member, make sure you submit your your application by 4:30 p.m., Monday, February 23.

You can apply on-line now, or learn more about become a member of the commission here.

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