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Davis Drive rapidway construction
continues March 30

Metrolinx and York Region contractors continue the project to build a rapidway — bus-only lanes in the centre of the roadway — along Davis Drive in Newmarket.

Starting Monday, March 30 from 7 a.m. until 4 p.m. each day, crews are performing electrical work along the south side of Davis Drive between just east of Charles Street and the Tannery .

They’ll block the west entrance to Taylor Funeral Home [524 Davis Drive] for about two days as they work past the area. The east entrance will remain open. They’ll keep both entrances to the 540 Davis plaza, but will narrow them during this work.

They’ll also provide a pedestrian walkway on the south side of Davis. Directional signs will guide you safely around the work zone.

Work continues until April 10.

Starting Monday, March 30 from 7 a.m. until 5 p.m. each day, crews are installing tree planters in the boulevard:

  • on the south side of Davis between Main Street and Lorne Avenue; and
  • on the north side of Davis between Barbara Road and George Street

They’ll block the westbound curb lane between Barbara and George. They may also block sidewalks. Directional signs will guide you safely around the work zone.

Work continues until April 10.

Starting Monday, March 30 from 7 a.m. until 5 p.m. each day, crews continue the underground electrical work for installing permanent traffic signals around each corner of the intersection of Davis with Huron Heights Drive / Alexander Road.

They’ll block traffic lanes and sidewalks around the work area. Directional signs will guide you safely around the work zone.

Work continues until April 2.

Crews have installed the gas-line segment on Davis. They finished installing a new gas main on the re-aligned portion of Parkside Drive last week.

York Region Transit is relocating bus stops during construction:

  • the eastbound stop at the southwest corner of Charles Street and Davis to the southwest corner of Davis and Prospect Street for several days this week;
  • the westbound stop west of Bayview Parkway to east of Bayview for about a month or until May 1.
  • the eastbound stop at the southwest corner of Alexander Road and Davis to east of Alexander for the next several days.

During Davis Drive rapidway construction, expect delays for GO Transit buses operating along this route:

  • 65 Newmarket / Toronto.

Also expect delays for York Region Transit buses operating along these routes:

  • 44 Bristol;
  • 50 Queensway;
  • 54 Bayview;
  • 55 / 55B Davis Drive;
  • 58 Mount Albert;
  • 223 Newmarket GO shuttle; and
  • 520 / 521 Newmarket community bus.

Source: vivaNext.

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