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TTC revises services, March 29

The TTC is making a number of changes to its services, starting Sunday, March 29.

It’s making major changes to the 510 Spadina route — replacing the streetcars with buses during upcoming consturction at Spadina Avenue and College Street. It’s borrowing buses from several other routes, including 504 King to provide transit service to Spadina passengers.

While the buses serve Spadina, the TTC’s new Flexity Bombardier streetcars roll along the 509 Harbourfront route. You can use your PRESTO farecard to pay your fare when boarding any of the new streetcars when operating along the route. PRESTO service on 509 Harbourfront ends, when the new streetcars resume operating along 510 Spadina, starting Sunday, May 10.

Also starting Sunday, 509 Harbourfront becomes a “POP” streetcar route. You can board any streetcar at any door at any stop along the route if you have a POP - a proof of payment. Proofs of payment include a transfer or a pass. POP service continues permanently along 509 Harbourfront, even after construction ends on Spadina Avenue.

The TTC is revising service along these routes: 1 Yonge - University subway; 7 Bathurst; 11 Bayview; 14 Glencairn; 17 Birchmount; 24 Victoria Park; 29 Dufferin; 34 Eglinton East; 35 Jane; 36 Finch West; 39 Finch East; 41 Keele; 60 Steeles West; 67 Pharmacy; 89 Weston Rd; 95 York Mills local; 95E York Mills express, 102 Markham Rd; 110 Islington South; 112 West Mall; 135 Gerrard; 143 Downtown / Beach express; 165 Weston Rd North; 195 Jane rocket; 196 York University rocket; 409 Accessible shuttle Dundas West; 504 King, 509 Harbourfront; 510 Spadina; 512 St Clair.

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Specifically, it’s: introducing a new route; increasing service along routes; decreasing service along a route; increasing the frequency of service along routes; decreasing the frequency along routes; extending the path for buses operating along a route; revising service to a high school; adjusting the schedules for buses operating along routes; and making other changes to service along routes.

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Introducing a new route

409 Accessible Shuttle Dundas West

Since Sunday, March 8, when the TTC shut down the elevator at Dundas West Station for major repairs, Wheel-Trans has been providing shuttle buses linking Dundas West with Dufferin Station. The buses allow passengers requiring an elevator to board to ride to or from Dundas West Station to continue or finish their trips.

Buses operate every 20 minutes every day.

Shuttle service continues until the Dundas West Station elevator reopens in July.

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Increasing service along routes

7 Bathurst

The TTC is operating a bus on a new round trip along the route early Sunday mornings to fill a 40-minute gap in the schedule between the end of regular service and the start of overnight service along the 310 Bathurst overnight route.

Starting Sunday, April 5, the southbound bus leaves Village Gate south of Steeles Avenue West at 1:20 a.m. Sundays. The northbound bus leaves Bathurst Station at 1:58 a.m. Sundays.

36 Finch West

The TTC is operating an eastbound bus on a new **Monday-to-Friday trip along the route.

Starting Monday, March 30, the bus starts dropping off or picking up passengers on Finch Avenue West east of Arrow Road at 6:10 a.m.

The TTC is also decreasing the frequency of service along the route.

509 Harbourfront

The TTC is temporarily replacing streetcars with buses along the 510 Spadina route during construction at Spadina Avenue and College Street. It’s also withdrawing 510 service along Queens Quay West and through the Bay Street tunnel to and from Union Station.

It’s reassigning as many as six of the streetcars that usually serve the 510 Spadina route to bolster service along 509 Harbourfront, increasing service and increasing the frequency of service every day.

Starting Sunday, March 29, it operates streetcars along the route early Sunday mornings, before 8 a.m. The cars drop off or pick up passengers at stops along the route every 13 minutes 20 seconds.

The TTC is also making other changes to service along the route.

35 Jane

Starting Monday, March 30, the TTC is operating buses on new southbound trips along the 35C branch to reduce crowding early Monday-to-Friday mornings.

The buses start their trips on Jane Street south of Steeles Avenue West at 5:48, 5:58, 6:08 and 6:18 a.m. The extra buses help increase the frequency of service along the route south of Steeles Avenue West.

195 Jane rocket

Starting Monday, March 30, the TTC is operating earlier southbound service trips along the route to reduce crowding early Monday-to-Friday mornings. The earliest bus starts its trip on Jane Street south of Steeles Avenue West at 6 a.m.

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Decreasing service along a route

29 Dufferin

The TTC is revising service along the route so that all buses start and end their trips consistently at the same terminal at the south end of the route during various time periods.

This results in the TTC canceling service through Exhibition Place to and from Princes’ Gate Loop Saturdays from about 7 until 10 p.m.

The TTC is also increasing and decreasing the frequency of service along parts of the route and extending the path for buses operating along one branch of the route. It’s also adjusting the schedules for buses operating along the route and making another change to service along the route.

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Increasing the frequency of service along routes

11 Bayview

The TTC extends rush-hour service along the 11A branch of the route until 7:30 p.m. Mondays to Fridays. (Buses serving the 11A branch operate to and from Belsize Drive west of Bayview Avenue.)

By increasing the hours of service along the 11A branch, the TTC also increases the frequency of service along Davisville Avenue Mondays to Fridays from about 7 until 7:30 p.m.

29 Dufferin

The TTC is revising service along the route so that all buses start and end their trips consistently at the same terminal at the south end of the route during various time periods.

This results in both more frequent and less frequent service along various parts of the route.

Starting Sunday, March 29, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops south of Dufferin Gate Loop:

  • every 6 minutes, instead of every 10 minutes, Sundays and holidays from about 8 a.m. until noon; and
  • every 3 minutes 40 seconds, instead of every 6 minutes 20 seconds, from about noon until 7 p.m.

Starting Monday, March 30, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops south of Dufferin Gate Loop:

  • every 4 minutes, instead of every 8 minutes, Mondays to Fridays during morning rush hours; and
  • every 4 minutes 45 seconds, instead of every 7 minutes 15 seconds, during afternoon rush hours.

Starting Saturday, April 4, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops south of Dufferin Gate Loop:

  • every 5 minutes 15 seconds, instead of every 10 minutes 15 seconds, Saturdays from about 8 a.m. until noon; and
  • every 3 minutes 15 seconds, instead of every 6 minutes 15 seconds, from about noon until 7 p.m.

The TTC is also decreasing service and extending the path for buses operating along one branch of the route. It’s also adjusting the schedules for buses operating along the route and making another change to service along the route.

135 Gerrard

The TTC is extending Monday-to-Friday rush-hour service until about 7:30 p.m.

Starting Monday, March 30, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops along the route:

  • every 20 minutes, instead of every 30 minutes, Mondays to Fridays from about 7 until 7:30 p.m.

The TTC is also decreasing the frequency of service along the route.

509 Harbourfront

The TTC is temporarily replacing streetcars with buses along the 510 Spadina route during construction at Spadina Avenue and College Street. It’s also withdrawing 510 service along Queens Quay West and through the Bay Street tunnel to and from Union Station.

It’s reassigning as many as six of the streetcars that usually serve the 510 Spadina route to bolster service along 509 Harbourfront, increasing service and increasing the frequency of service every day.

Starting Sunday, March 29, streetcars drop off or pick up passengers at stops along the route:

  • every 4 minutes, instead of every 10 minutes, Sundays and holidays from about 8 a.m. until noon;
  • every 3 minutes 45 seconds, instead of every 6½ minutes, from about noon until 7 p.m.;
  • every 5 minutes, instead of every 13½ minutes, from about 7 until 10 p.m.; and
  • every 6 minutes, instead of every 20 minutes, after about 10 p.m.

Starting Monday, March 30, the cars drop off or pick up passengers at stops along the route:

  • every 3½ minutes, instead of every 6 minutes, Mondays to Fridays during morning rush hours;
  • every 4 minutes, instead of every 8½ minutes, from about 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.;
  • every 3 minutes, instead of every 5 minutes, during afternoon rush hours;
  • every 4 minutes, instead of every 7 minutes, from about 7 until 10 p.m.; and
  • every 5 minutes, instead of every 13 minutes, after about 10 p.m.

Starting Saturday, *April 48, the cars drop off or pick up passengers at stops along the route:

  • every 6 minutes 40 seconds, instead of every 20 minutes, Saturdays before 8 a.m.;
  • every 4 minutes, instead of every 10 minutes, from about 8 a.m. until noon;
  • every 3 minutes 15 seconds, instead of every 5½ minutes, from about noon until 7 p.m.;
  • every 4 minutes, instead of every 10 minutes, from about 7 until 10 p.m.; and +every 6 minutes, instead of every 20 minutes, after about 10 p.m.

The TTC is also making other changes to service along the route.

102 Markham Rd

The TTC is scheduling more running time — the time for drivers to complete a round trip along the route - every day. The longer running time compensates for delays resulting from a City of Toronto construction project to upgrade Markham Road between Lawrence Avenue East and Markham Road. It also increases the reliability of the service, but slightly increases and decreases the frequency of service along the route.

Starting Sunday, March 29, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops north of McNicoll Avenue:

  • every 52½ minutes, instead of every hour, Sundays and holidays from about noon until 7 p.m.
510 Spadina

The TTC is temporarily replacing streetcars with buses along the route during construction at Spadina Avenue and College Street. Its reassigning buses from other routes - 17 Birchmount, 95 **York Mills local; 95E York Mills express and 504 King to support the temporary bus service.

It’s also withdrawing 510 Spadina service along Queens Quay West and through the Bay Street tunnel to and from Union Station. All buses operate between Spadina Station and either Queens Quay West or King Street West. Buses serve the bus terminal at Spadina Station, instead of the regular streetcar terminal. Buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops beside the curb, instead of the centre-road “island” streetcar stops.

Since buses carry fewer passengers than streetcars, it’s increasing the frequency of service along the route at most times of the week, except early Sunday-and-holiday mornings, when it decreases the frequency of service.

Starting Sunday, March 29, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops north of King Street West:

  • every 11 minutes, instead of every 15 minutes, Sundays and holidays from about 6:15 until 8 a.m.;
  • every 2½ minutes, instead of every 3 minutes 10 seconds, from about 8 a.m. until noon;
  • every 2 minutes, instead of every 2 minutes 25 seconds, from about noon until 6:30 p.m.;
  • every 4 minutes, instead of every 6 minutes 45 seconds, from about 6:30 until 9 p.m.;
  • every 5½ minutes, instead of every 6 minutes 45 seconds, from about 9 p.m. until 1:10 a.m.; and
  • every 12 minutes, instead of every 15 minutes, after 1:10 a.m.

They serve stops south of King West

  • every 11 minutes, instead of every 15 minutes, Sundays and holidays from about 6:15 until 8 a.m.;
  • every 5 minutes, instead of every 6 minutes 20 seconds, from about 8 a.m. until noon;
  • every 4 minutes, instead of every 7 minutes 15 seconds, from about noon until 6:30 p.m.;
  • every 4 minutes, instead of every 6 minutes 45 seconds, from about 6:30 until 9 p.m.; and
  • every 5½ minutes, instead of every 6 minutes 45 seconds, from about 9 p.m. until 1:10 a.m.; and
  • every 12 minutes, instead of every 15 minutes, after 1:10 a.m.

Starting Monday, March 30, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops north of King Street West:

  • every 12 minutes, instead of every 15 minutes, Mondays to Fridays before about 6:15 a.m.;
  • every 5 minutes, instead of every 8 minutes, from about 6:15 until 7:30 a.m.;
  • every minute 53 seconds, instead of every 2 minutes 40 seconds, during morning rush hours;
  • every 2 minutes, instead of every 2 minutes 13 seconds, from about 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.;
  • every minute 45 seconds, instead of every 2 minutes 13 seconds, during afternoon rush hours;
  • every 2 minutes 15 seconds, instead of every 2½ minutes from about 7:30 until 9 p.m.;
  • every 4½ minutes, instead of every 6 minutes 45 seconds, from about 9 until 10:30 a.m.;
  • every 5 minutes 20 seconds, instead of every 6 minutes 45 seconds, from about 10:30 p.m. until 1 a.m.; and
  • every 12 minutes, instead of every 15 minutes, after 1 a.m.

The buses serve stops south of King Street West:

  • every 12 minutes, instead of every 15 minutes, Mondays to Fridays before about 6:15 a.m.;
  • every 5 minutes, instead of every 8 minutes, from about 6:15 until 7:30 a.m.;
  • every 3 minutes 45 seconds, instead of every 4 minutes, during morning rush hours;
  • every 4 minutes, instead of every 6 minutes 45 seconds, from about 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.;
  • every 3½ minutes, instead of every 6 minutes 45 seconds, during afternoon rush hours;
  • every 4½ minutes, instead of every 7½ minutes from about 7:30 until 9 p.m.;
  • every 4½ minutes, instead of every 6 minutes 45 seconds, from about 9 until 10:30 a.m.;
  • every 5 minutes 20 seconds, instead of every 6 minutes 45 seconds, from about 10:30 p.m. until 1 a.m.; and
  • every 12 minutes, instead of every 15 minutes, after 1 a.m.

Starting Saturday, April 4, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops north of King Street West:

  • every 12 minutes, instead of every 15 minutes, Saturdays before about 6 a.m.;
  • every 5 minutes, instead of every 8 minutes, from about 6 until 7 a.m.;
  • every 5 minutes 20 seconds, instead of every 7 minutes 15 seconds, from about 7 until 8 a.m.;
  • every 2 minutes 15 seconds, instead of every 3 minutes, from about 8 a.m. until noon;
  • every minute 53 seconds, instead of every 2 minutes 20 seconds, from about noon until 6:30 p.m.
  • every 5 minutes, instead of every 6 minutes 45 seconds, from about 9 until 10:30 p.m.;
  • every 5 minutes 20 seconds, instead of every 6 minutes 45 seconds, from about 10:30 p.m. until 1 a.m.; and
  • every 11 minutes, instead of every 15 minutes, after 1 a.m.

Starting Saturday, April 4, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops south of King Street West:

  • every 12 minutes, instead of every 15 minutes, Saturdays before about 6 a.m.;
  • every 5 minutes, instead of every 8 minutes, from about 6 until 7 a.m.;
  • every 5 minutes 20 seconds, instead of every 7 minutes 15 seconds, from about 7 until 8 a.m.;
  • every every 4½ minutes, instead of every 6 minutes, from about 8 a.m. until noon;
  • every 3 minutes 45 seconds, instead of every 7 minutes, from about noon until 6:30 p.m.
  • every 3 minutes 45 seconds, instead of every 6 minutes 15 seconds, from 6:30 until 9 p.m.
  • every 5 minutes, instead of every 6 minutes 45 seconds, from about 9 until 10:30 p.m.;
  • every 5 minutes 20 seconds, instead of every 6 minutes 45 seconds, from about 10:30 p.m. until 1 a.m.; and
  • every 11 minutes, instead of every 15 minutes, after 1 a.m.

The TTC is also making other changes to service along the route.

512 St Clair

According to Steve Munro,

“Transit signal priority has been or will be restored at various locations on St. Clair:

  • On December 23, 2014, it was restored at Yonge and at Avenue Road.
  • Before March 29, 2015, it will be restored at Deer Park, west of Dunvegan, Russell Hill, Bathurst, Wychwood, Arlington and Caledonia
  • To be completed, but not necessarily by March 29: Ferndale (St. Clair Stn. Loop exit), Christie, Old Weston, Keele/Weston)”

Since the City of Toronto has improved the traffic signals, the TTC can operate fewer streetcars along the route and also increase the frequency of service at most times of the week.

Starting Sunday, March 29, streetcars drop off or pick up passengers at stops along the route:

  • every 10½ minutes, instead of every 11 minutes 15 seconds, Sundays and holidays before about 8 a.m.;
  • every 6 minutes, instead of every 6½ minutes, from about 8 a.m. until 7 p.m.;
  • every 5½ minutes, instead of every 6 minutes from about 7 until 10 p.m.; and
  • every 9 minutes 20 seconds, instead of every 10 minutes after about 10 p.m.

Starting Monday, March 30, the cars drop off or pick up passengers at stops along the route:

  • every 2 minutes 50 seconds, instead of every 2 minutes 55 seconds, Mondays to Fridays during morning rush hours;
  • every 4½ minutes, instead of every 5 minutes 45 seconds, from about 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.;
  • every 3 minutes 10 seconds, instead of every 3 minutes 45 seconds, during afternoon rush hours;
  • every 6 minutes 15 seconds, instead of every 6 minutes 50 seconds, from about 7 until 10 p.m.; and
  • every 8 minutes 15 seconds, instead of every 8 minutes 40 seconds, after about 10 p.m.

Starting Saturday, April 4, the cars drop off or pick up passengers at stops along the route:

  • every 9 minutes, instead of every 9 minutes 40 seconds, Saturdays before about 9 a.m.;
  • every 4 minutes 50 seconds, instead of every 6 minutes 15 seconds, from about 9 until 11 a.m.
  • every 4 minutes 10 seconds, instead of every 6 minutes 15 seconds, from about 11 a.m. until noon;
  • every 4 minutes 10 seconds, instead of every 4½ minutes, from about noon until 7 p.m.;
  • every 5½ minutes, instead of every 6 minutes, from about 7 until 10 p.m.; and
  • every 9 minutes 20 seconds, instead of every 10 minutes, after about 10 p.m.
1 Yonge - University subway

The TTC is operating more trains along the line at various times of the week to improve the reliability of the service.

Starting Sunday, March 29, it’s operating two more trains along the line Saturday, Sunday and holiday afternoons — from about noon until 7 p.m. 1 Starting Monday, March 30, it’s operating two more trains along the line Mondays to Fridays before 10 p.m. and one more after 10 p.m.

Generally the extra trains do not increase the frequency of service, except Monday-to-Friday midday and early evenings. Trains drop off or pick up passengers at stations along the line every 3½ minutes, instead of every 3 minutes 36 seconds, Mondays to Fridays from about 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. They serve passengers every 3 minutes 25 seconds, instead of every 3½ minutes, from about 7 until 10 p.m.

196 York University rocket

The TTC is scheduling more running time — the time for drivers to complete a round trip along the route - every day. The longer running time increases the reliability of the service, but also slightly increases and decreases the frequency of service along the route at various times of the week.

Starting Sunday, March 29, buses drop off or pick up passengers west of Downsview Station:

  • every 12 minutes, instead of every 15 minutes, Sundays and holidays from about 7 until 10 p.m.

Starting Monday, March 30, buses drop off or pick up passengers west of Downsview Station:

  • every 10 minutes, instead of every 11 minutes, Mondays to Fridays after about 10 p.m.

Starting Saturday, April 4, buses drop off or pick up passengers west of Downsview Station:

  • every 12 minutes, instead of every 15 minutes, Saturdays after about 10 p.m.

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Decreasing the frequency of service along routes

17 Birchmount

The TTC is operating one less bus along the route to decrease the frequency of service Mondays to Fridays during morning rush hours. It’s temporarily reassigning that single bus to temporarily replace streetcars along the 510 Spadina route, during construction at Spadina Avenue and College Street.

Starting Monday, March 30, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • north of Steeles Avenue East — every 21 minutes, instead of every 19½ minutes.; and
  • south of Steeles East — every 7 minutes, instead of every 6½ minutes
29 Dufferin

The TTC is revising service along the route so that all buses start and end their trips consistently at the same terminal at the south end of the route during various time periods.

This results in both more frequent and less frequent service along various parts of the route.

Starting Sunday, March 29, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops along the entire route:

  • every 11 minutes, instead of every 10 minutes, Sundays and holidays before 8 a.m.;
  • every 12 minutes, instead of every 11 minutes, from about 7 until 10 p.m.; and
  • every 12 minutes, instead of every 10 minutes, after 10 p.m.

The buses also serve passengers at stops north of Dufferin Gate Loop:

  • every 6 minutes, instead of every 5 minutes, Sundays and holidays from about 8 a.m. until noon; and
  • every 3 minutes 40 seconds, instead of every 3 minutes 10 seconds from about noon until 7 p.m.

Starting Monday, March 30, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops north of Wingold Avenue:

  • every 8 minutes, instead of every 7 minutes, Mondays to Fridays during morning rush hours; and
  • every 9½ minutes, instead of every 7 minutes 15 seconds, during afternoon rush hours.

The buses also serve passengers at stops between Wingold and Dufferin Gate Loop:

  • every 4 minutes, instead of every 3½ minutes, during morning rush hours; and
  • every 4 minutes 45 seconds, instead of every 3 minutes 38 seconds, during afternoon rush hours.

The buses also serve passengers at stops north of Dufferin Gate Loop:

  • every 4 minutes 20 seconds, instead of every 4 minutes, from about 9 a.m. until 2 p.m.;
  • every 5½ minutes, instead of every 5 minutes, from about 7 until 10 p.m.; and
  • every 8½ minutes, instead of every 8 minutes, after 10 p.m.

Starting Saturday, April 4, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops north of Dufferin Loop:

  • every 5 minutes 15 seconds, instead of every 5 minutes 7 seconds, Saturdays from about 8 a.m. until noon; and
  • every 3 minutes 15 seconds, instead of every 3 minutes 8 seconds from about noon until 7 p.m.

The TTC is also decreasing service and extending the path for buses operating along one branch of the route. It’s also adjusting the schedules for buses operating along the route and making another change to service along the route.

34 Eglinton East

The TTC is scheduling more running time — the time for drivers to complete a round trip along the route — Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. The longer running time increases the reliability of the service, but also slightly decreases the frequency.

Starting Sunday, March 29, buses drop off or pick passengers at stops along the route every 10 minutes, instead of every 9&frac112; minutes, Sundays and holidays from about 8 a.m. until noon. They serve the stops every 9½ minutes, instead of every 8 minutes, from about noon until 7 p.m.

Starting Saturday, April 4, buses serve stops every 6½ minutes, instead of every 6 minutes 15 seconds, Saturdays from about 8 a.m. until 7 p.m. They serve the stops every 10 minutes, instead of every 9½ minutes, from about 7 until 10 p.m.

39 Finch East

The TTC is scheduling more running time — the time for drivers to complete a round trip along the route - Monday-to-Friday midday. The longer running time increases the reliability of the service, but also slightly decreases the frequency.

Starting Monday, March 30, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops along the route every 6½ minutes, instead of every 6 minutes 20 seconds.

36 Finch West

The TTC is scheduling more running time — the time for drivers to complete a round trip along the route - early Saturday, Sunday and holiday mornings. The longer running time increases the reliability of the service, but also slightly decreases the frequency.

Starting Sunday, March 29, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops along the route:

  • every 11 minutes, instead of every 10½ minutes, Sundays and holidays before 8 a.m.

Starting Saturday, April 4, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops along the route:

  • every 9½ minutes, instead of every 9 minutes, Saturdays before 8 a.m.

The TTC is also increasing service along the route.

135 Gerrard

The TTC is scheduling more running time — the time for drivers to complete a round trip along the route - Mondays to Fridays before 7 p.m. The longer running time increases the reliability of the service, but also slightly decreases the frequency.

Starting Monday, March 30, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops along the route:

  • every 20 minutes, instead of every 18 minutes, Mondays to Fridays during rush hours and midday.

The TTC is also increasing the frequency of service along the route.

110 Islington South

Starting Monday, March 29, the TTC is scheduling drivers to “lay over” - pause between trips - northbound on Islington Avenue north of Birmingham Street after 3 p.m. Mondays to Fridays.

By revising the layover location, the TTC is improving service to passengers heading to stops on Lake Shore Boulevard West, Twelfth Street, Garnett Janes Road, Ninth Street and Birmingham Street. Passengers can travel directly to their destination without waiting for the bus to lay over at the usual end-of-route site southbound on Islington at Lake Shore West.

Buses continue to layover at Islington and Lake Shore at all other times of the week.

35 Jane

The TTC is operating buses on new southbound trips along the 35C branch to reduce crowding early Monday-to-Friday mornings. The extra buses help increase the frequency of service along the route south of Steeles Avenue West.

Starting Monday, March 30, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops south of Steeles West:

  • every 5 minutes, instead of every 10 minutes, Mondays to Fridays from about 5:45 until 6:30 a.m.
41 Keele

The TTC is scheduling more running time — the time for drivers to complete a round trip along the route - late Sunday-and-holiday evenings and Saturdays afternoons and evenings. The longer running time increases the reliability of the service, but also slightly decreases the frequency Saturday afternoons.

Starting Saturday, April 4, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops along the route:

  • every 7½ minutes, instead of every 7 minutes, Saturdays from about noon until 7 p.m.
102 Markham Rd

The TTC is scheduling more running time — the time for drivers to complete a round trip along the route - every day. The longer running time compensates for delays resulting from a City of Toronto construction project to upgrade Markham Road between Lawrence Avenue East and Kingston Road. It also increases the reliability of the service, but slightly slightly increases and decreases the frequency of service along the route.

Starting Sunday, March 29, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops Sundays and holidays from about noon until 7 p.m:

  • every 10½ minutes, instead of every 10 minutes, south of McNicoll Avenue.

Starting Monday, March 30, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops Mondays to Fridays from about 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.:

  • every 34 minutes, instead of every 30 minutes, north of McNicoll;
  • every, 17 minutes, instead of every 15 minutes, between McNicoll and Progress Avenues; and
  • every 8½ minutes, instead of every 7½ minutes, south of Progress.

They serve stops during afternoon rush hours:

  • every 22 minutes, instead of every 21 minutes, north of Passmore;
  • every 11 minutes, instead of every 10½ minutes, **between Passmore and Progress; and
  • every 5½ minutes, instead of every 5 minutes 15 seconds, **south of Progress.

They serve stops from about 7 until 10 p.m.

  • every 36½ minutes, instead of every 36 minutes, **north of McNicoll;
  • every 18 minutes 15 seconds, instead of every 18 minutes, *between McNicoll and Progress *;
  • every 9 minutes 8 seconds, instead of every 9 minutes, **south of Progress.

Starting Saturday, April 4, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops Sundays and holidays from about noon until 7 p.m.:

  • every hour, instead of every 57 minutes, north of McNicoll.
  • every 10½ minutes, instead of every 10 minutes, south of McNicoll.
67 Pharmacy

The TTC is scheduling more running time — the time for drivers to complete a round trip along the route - every day. The longer running time increases the reliability of the service, but also slightly decreases the frequency of service along the route.

Starting Sunday, March 29, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops along the route:

  • every 24 minutes, instead of every 20 minutes, Sundays and holidays from about 8 a.m. until noon and after about 7 p.m.

Starting Monday, March 30, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops along the route:

  • every 15 minutes, instead of every 12 minutes, Mondays to Fridays from about 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.; and
  • every 24 minutes, instead of every 20 minutes, after about 10 p.m.

Starting Saturday, April 4, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops along the route:

  • every 24 minutes, instead of every 20 minutes, Saturdays after about 7 p.m.
24 Victoria Park

The TTC is scheduling more running time — the time for drivers to complete a round trip along the route - Mondays to Fridays before 7 p.m. The longer running time increases the reliability of the service, but also slightly decreases the frequency of service along the route during rush hours.

Starting Monday, March 30, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops during morning rush hours:

  • every 6 minutes, instead of every 5 minutes, north of Victoria Park Avenue and Consumers Road - along the main 24 branch of the route.
  • every 4 minutes, instead of every 3 minutes 32 seconds, south of Victoria Park and Consumers.

The buses serve stops during afternoon rush hours:

  • every 7 minutes 15 seconds, instead of every 7 minutes, north of Victoria Park and Consumers;
  • every 14½ minutes, instead of every 13 minutes, west of Victoria Park and Consumers — along the 24B branch of the route; and
  • every 4 minutes 50 seconds, instead of every 4 minutes 33 seconds, south of Victoria Park and Consumers
89 Weston

The TTC is scheduling more running time — the time for drivers to complete a round trip along the route - all day Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. The longer running time increases the reliability of the service, but also slightly decreases the frequency of service along the route late Saturday mornings and Saturday, Sunday and holiday afternoons.

Starting Sunday, March 29, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops along the route:

  • every 10 minutes, instead of every 9½ minutes, Sunday-and-holiday afternoons.

Starting Saturday, April 4, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops along the route:

  • every 10½ minutes, instead of every 9 minutes 45 seconds, Saturdays from about 8 a.m. until noon; and
  • every 10 minutes, instead of every 9½ minutes, afternoons.
95 York Mills local

The TTC is operating fewer buses along the route to decrease the frequency of service Mondays to Fridays during morning rush hours. It’s temporarily reassigning the buses to temporarily replace streetcars along the 510 Spadina route, during construction at Spadina Avenue and College Street.

Starting Monday, March 30, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • every 10 minutes, instead of every 8 minutes, east of Ellesmere Station.
  • every 5 minutes, instead of every 4 minutes, west of Ellesmere Station.

It’s also decreasing the frequency of service along the express branch of the route.

95 York Mills local

The TTC is operating fewer buses along the route to decrease the frequency of service Mondays to Fridays during morning rush hours. It’s temporarily reassigning the buses to temporarily replace streetcars along the 510 Spadina route, during construction at Spadina Avenue and College Street.

Starting Monday, March 30, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops:

  • every 10 minutes, instead of every 9 minutes.

It’s also decreasing the frequency of service along the local branches of the route.

196 York University rocket

The TTC is scheduling more running time — the time for drivers to complete a round trip along the route - every day. The longer running time increases the reliability of the service, but also slightly increases and decreases the frequency of service along the route at various times of the week.

Starting Monday, March 30, buses drop off or pick up passengers east of Downsview Station:

  • every 7½ minutes, instead of every 6 minutes, during morning rush hours until 10:20 a.m.;
  • every 10 minutes, instead of every 8 minutes, from about 10:20 a.m. until 3 p.m.;
  • every 7½ minutes, instead of every 6 minutes, during afternoon rush hours; and
  • every 12 minutes, instead of every 9 minutes, from about 7 until 10 p.m.

Starting Monday, March 30, buses drop off or pick up passengers west of Downsview Station:

  • every 2½ minutes, instead of every 2 minutes, before about 7 p.m.; and
  • every 4 minutes, instead of every 3 minutes, from about 7 until 10 p.m.

Extending the path for buses operating along a route

29 Dufferin

The TTC is revising service along the route so that all buses start and end their trips consistently at the same terminal at the south end of the route during various time periods.

Starting Monday, March 30, it’s extending the route of the 29B branch further south. Buses operate between Tycos Drive south of Wingold Avenue and Princes’ Gate Loop Mondays to Fridays during rush hours.

The TTC is also decreasing service and increasing and decreasing the frequency of service along parts of the route. It’s also adjusting the schedules for buses operating along the route and making another change to service along the route.

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Revising service to a high school

112 West Mall

Starting Monday, March 30, the northbound bus that usually leaves Kipling Station at 7:59 a.m. leaves, instead, three minutes earlier at 7:56 a.m. The bus operates along the 112B branch “to Skymark”, serving Michael Power / St Joseph Catholic High School.

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Adjusting the schedules of buses operating along routes

29 Dufferin

The TTC is revising service along the route so that all buses start and end their trips consistently at the same terminal at the south end of the route during various time periods.

Starting Sunday, March 20, all buses start and end their trips in Princes’ Gate Loop Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from about 8 a.m. until 7 p.m. (Currently, every second bus serves Princes’ Gate, while alternate buses start and end their trips in Dufferin Gate Loop.)

Starting Monday, March 30, all buses start and end their trips in Princes’ Gate Loop Mondays to Fridays during rush hours. (Currently every second bus serves Princes’ Gate, while alternate buses start and end their trips in Dufferin Gate Loop.)

All buses start and end their trips in Princes’ Gate Loop:

  • Saturdays, Sundays and holidays before 7 p.m.; and
  • Mondays to Fridays during rush hours.

All buses start and end their trips in Dufferin Gate Loop:

  • Saturdays, Sundays and holidays after 7 p.m.; and
  • Mondays to Fridays from about 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. and after 7 p.m.

This results in both more frequent and less frequent service along parts of the route at various time of the week.

The TTC is also decreasing service along part of the route and extending the path for buses operating along one branch of the route. It’s also making another change to service along the route.

14 Glencairn

Starting Saturday, April 4, the TTC adjusts the Saturday schedules to provide a more reliable service. Buses arrive at stops at different times than formerly, but service levels remain the same.

60 Steeles West

Starting Monday, March 30, the TTC is adjusting a single eastbound trip early Monday-to-Friday mornings. The bus leaves Steeles Avenue West east of Signet Drive at about 5:12 a.m.

112 West Mall

Starting Monday, March 30, the northbound bus that usually leaves Kipling Station at 7:59 a.m. leaves, instead, three minutes earlier at 7:56 a.m. The bus operates along the 112B branch “to Skymark”, serving Michael Power / St Joseph Catholic High School.

165 Weston Rd North

Starting Monday, March 30, the TTC is adjusting the trip times of buses operating Mondays to Fridays during afternoon rush hours to operate a more reliable service. Buses arrive at stops at different times than formerly, but service levels remain the same.

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Making other changes to service along routes

143 Downtown / Beach express

Since Monday, January 26, the TTC has been detouring westbound buses during construction on Eastern Avenue between Woodfield Road and Knox Avenue.

To maintain a reliable service while operating along the longer detour routing, the TTC is operating one more bus along the route. Service levels remain the same as previously.

29 Dufferin

Starting Sunday, March 29, the TTC designates buses operating to and from Wilson Station as operating along the 29A branch of the route.

It’s also decreasing service and increasing](#t29f) and decreasing the frequency of service along the route. It’s also extending the path for buses operating along one branch of the route and adjusting the schedules for other buses operating along the route.

509 Harbourfront

The TTC is temporarily replacing streetcars with buses along the 510 Spadina route during construction at Spadina Avenue and College Street. It’s also withdrawing 510 service along Queens Quay West and through the Bay Street tunnel to and from Union Station.

Starting Sunday, March 29, the TTC is assigning its new Flexity Bombardier streetcars to the 509 Harbourfront route. You can use your PRESTO farecard to pay your fare when boarding any of the new streetcars when operating along the route. PRESTO service on 509 Harbourfront ends, when the new streetcars resume operating along 510 Spadina, starting Sunday, May 10.

Also starting Sunday, 509 Harbourfront becomes a “POP” streetcar route. You can board any streetcar at any door at any stop along the route if you have a POP - a proof of payment. Proofs of payment include a transfer or a pass. POP service continues permanently along 509 Harbourfront, even after construction ends on Spadina Avenue.

504 King

The TTC is temporarily replacing streetcars with buses along the 510 Spadina route during construction at Spadina Avenue and College Street. It’s reassigning most of the buses that recently have been bolstering regular service along the 504 King route to the 510 Spadina route.

Starting Monday, March 30, it reassigns 15 of the 20 buses that usually operate along the route Mondays to Fridays during morning rush hours and all 18 buses that usually operate during afternoon rush hours to serve passengers along the 510 Spadina route. It’s also reassigning the streetcars that usually serve 510 Spadina to 504 King.

Instead, it operates just five buses to drop off or pick up passengers along the busiest part of the route between Roncesvalles Avenue / Queen Street West / The Queensway and Queen Street East / Broadview Avenue during morning rush hours. It operates 15, instead of two, extra CLRVs - Canadian light rail vehicles - along that busiest section during afternoon rush hours.

It’s also operating even more extra streetcars along the entire route to bolster regular service during rush hours. It’s operating seven, instead of three, extra ALRVs - articulated light rail vehicles or “bendy” cars — and ten, instead of four, extra CLRVs during morning rush hours. It also continues to operate four extra CLRVs during afternoon rush hours.

It “re-swaps” the buses and streetcars between 510 Spadina and 504 King Monday, May 11.

510 Spadina

Starting Sunday, March 29, the TTC is temporarily replacing streetcars with buses along the route during construction at Spadina Avenue and College Street. It’s also withdrawing 510 service along Queens Quay West and through the Bay Street tunnel to and from Union Station.

All buses operate between Spadina Station and either Queens Quay West or King Street West. Buses serve the bus terminal at Spadina Station, instead of the regular streetcar terminal. Buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops beside the curb, instead of the centre-road “island” streetcar stops.

All buses operate to and from Queens Quay West:

  • Sundays and holidays before about 8 a.m. and after about 9 p.m.;
  • Mondays to Fridays before about 7 a.m. and after about 10:30 p.m.; and
  • Saturdays before about 8 a.m. and after about 10:30 p.m.

Every second bus operates to and from King Street West, with alternate buses operating to and from Queens Quay:

  • Sundays and holidays from about 8 a.m. until 9 p.m.;
  • Mondays to Fridays from about 7 a.m. until 10:30 p.m.; and
  • Saturdays from 8 a.m. until about 10:30 p.m.

Passengers traveling to and from Union Station may board streetcars operating along the 509 **Harbourfront route, since the TTC is increasing the frequency of service along that route until construction ends.

You can’t use your PRESTO fare card to pay your fare aboard the buses.

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