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Free rides on Guelph Transit:
Clean Air Day, June 3

You can ride Guelph Transit buses free of fare all day, this national Clean Air Day, Wednesday, June 3.

You can also stop by Guelph Central Station between 9 a.m. and noon to pick up free transit and cycling maps and learn more about accessibility features on Guelph Transit buses and cycling safety.

Also on June 3, the City invites you to learn about the Guelph Transit Priority Project at City Hall from 6 to 9 p.m. This public event will identify transit priority measures for the short-, medium-, and long-term, and provide information about developing bus rapid transit on key corridors in Guelph.

Clean Air Day raises awareness and encourages everyone to act on clean air and climate-change issues. Canadians can show their commitment by participating in activities that contribute to cleaner air, healthier communities and a better quality of life for all. On Clean Air Day, consider choosing an environmentally-friendly travel options such as cycling, walking, carpooling — or taking public transit