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Reach Street Scugog construction:
DRT detour, starting September 22

The Region of Durham and the Township of Scugog are closing:

  • Reach Street (Regional Road 8) between Highways 7 and 12 and Marsh Hill Road

during a regional project to rehabilitate the roadway, ditches and guardrails.

Durham Region Transit is detouring buses operating along this route, while the road is closed:

  • 950 Uxbridge / Port Perry / UOIT.

Buses continue to detour off Reach Street until September 30.

950 Uxbridge / Port Perry / UOIT

From Tuesday, September 22 “until the end of September”, southbound buses operate along their regular route to Reach Street and Marsh Hill Road, then detour:

southward along Marsh Hill;
eastward along Scugog Line 6; and then
northward along Highways 7 and 12 to Reach,
resuming their regular route eastward along Reach.

Southbound buses skip their regular stops

  • on Reach Street east of Marsh Hill Road, west of Highways 7 and 12 and at Highways 7 and 12.

Northbound buses reverse the southbound detour routing.

Northbound buses skip their regular stops

  • on Reach Street west of Highways 7 and 12 and at Marsh Hill Road.