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Davis Drive rapidway construction
continues, September 28 to October 9

Metrolinx and York Region contractors continue the project to build a rapidway — bus-only lanes in the centre of the roadway — along Davis Drive in Newmarket.

The transformation of Davis Drive continues as crews switch over to permanent traffic lights Wednesday, September 30 from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. on Davis at Main Street and the Tannery Mall. Once they’ve activated the new traffic lights, audible pedestrian crossing signals will be available.

  • Expect delays as work takes place.
  • “Paid-duty” York Regional Police officers will be on site to direct traffic.
  • Crews will maintain pedestrian access along the corridor. Watch for signs and follow directions.

From 7 p.m. Tuesday, September 29 until 7 a.m. Wednesday, September 30 and continuing overnight nightly, crews are also installing left-turn traffic sensors at intersections to help ease the flow of traffic along Davis Drive. This week and next week, they’ll be installing sensors between Patterson Street / Roxborough Road and Main Street. The sensors will prioritize the advanced green arrow for motorists to turn left or U-turn through the intersections.

  • Crews will be working overnight to reduce the impact on daytime traffic.
  • They’ll block left-turn lanes required to install the sensors.
  • Expect noise, dust, and vibrations during this work.

Work continues until 6 a.m. October 9.

During all phases of Davis Drive rapidway construction, expect delays for GO Transit buses operating along this route:

  • 65 Newmarket / Toronto.

Also expect delays for York Region Transit buses operating along these routes:

  • 44 Bristol;
  • 50 Queensway;
  • 54 Bayview;
  • 55 / 55B Davis Drive;
  • 58 Mount Albert;
  • 223 Newmarket GO shuttle; and
  • 520 / 521 Newmarket community bus.

Source: vivaNext.

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