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Yonge Street rapidway construction
continues October 26

Metrolinx and York Region contractors continue the project to build a rapidway — bus-only lanes in the centre of the roadway — along Yonge Street in Newmarket and Richmond Hill.

As part of the project in Newmarket, crews are building several retaining walls along Yonge to stabilize two areas of land that sit at different heights, hold slopes in place and support higher levels of ground. They’ll start tomorrow, Monday, October 26 beside #17255 Yonge Street at the southeast corner of Yonge Street and Gladman Avenue.

From 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. each day, they’ll

  • intermittently block the northbound curb lane on Yonge beside the work area during off peak-hours.
  • block the sidewalk on the east side of Yonge at Gladman. Signs help guide you safely around the construction zone.

GO Transit and York Region Transit continue to operate buses along Yonge during this work. They may close or relocate bus stops, as work progresses. Signs will guide you to the nearest available bus stop.

Expect noise, dust, and vibrations during this work.

Construction continues for three months, or until about January 31.

During rapidway construction on Yonge Street in Newmarket, expect delays for for GO Transit buses operating along these routes:

  • 65 Newmarket / Toronto; and
  • 68 Barrie / Newmarket.

Also expect delays for York Region Transit buses operating along these routes:

  • Viva blue;
  • Viva blue “A”;
  • 22/ 22A King City;
  • 57 / 57A Mulock;
  • 98 Yonge; and
  • 520 / 521 Newmarket community bus.
