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Toronto Transit Commission meets, November 23

The Toronto Transit Commission meets tomorrow, Monday, November 22 at 1 p.m. in Committee Room #2, Second Floor, City Hall, 100 Queen Street West.

The commission is the TTC’s board of directors. It oversees matters of policy and planning, building, maintaining and operating the TTC system and expanding its services and facilities.

Commissioners include City of Toronto councillors and members of the public.

During the meeting, the commissioners will discuss, among other items, staff and committee reports recommending that the they approve:

  • the 2016 TTC and Wheel-Trans Operating Budget. (You can review the presentation here. (.pdf))
  • the 2016-2025 TTC Capital Budget. (You can review the presentation here. (.pdf))
  • a lease for a temporary facility to store buses. (You can read the base report here. (.pdf) The report contains a confidential attachment, which only the commissioners can review, that likely will identify the location of the facility and the terms of the lease.)
  • a Metrolinx to rename Eglinton West Station to coincide with other station names along the future Eglinton Crosstown light rail transit line. The commissioners will choose between “Allen” and “Cedarvale”. (You can read the report here. (.pdf))

They will also review:

  • the chief administrator’s report for November, 2015. (You can read the report here. (.pdf))

You can view the agenda for the meeting here.

Toronto Transit Commission meetings are public meetings — anyone may attend.