Metrolinx and York Region contractors continue the project to build a rapidway — bus-only lanes in the centre of the roadway — along Yonge Street in Newmarket and Richmond Hill.
An important step in building the vivaNext Yonge Street rapidway in Newmarket is relocating telecommunications. Crews start moving underground telecommunications on the east side of Yonge between just north of Mulock Drive and Savage Road, starting Tuesday, December 1. They’ll continue to relocate the telecommunications in segments along the corridor.
From 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. each day, crews are:
- temporarily blocking northbound curb lanes around the work area.
- keeping sidewalks open, wherever possible. (If the work blocks a sidewalk, directional signs guide pedestrians safely around the work zone.)
- temporarily blocking driveways as crews proceed northward
- maintaining access to businesses.
Traffic control staff and “paid-duty” York Regional Police officers will be on site, when necessary.
Expect construction-related noise from equipment and trucks.
Crews may work some weekends.
Work on Yonge between Mulock and Savage continues until January 15, 2016.
During rapidway construction on Yonge Street in Newmarket, expect delays for for GO Transit buses operating along these routes:
- 65 Newmarket / Toronto; and
- 68 Barrie / Newmarket.
Also expect delays for York Region Transit buses operating along these routes:
- Viva blue;
- Viva blue “A”;
- 22/ 22A King City;
- 57 / 57A Mulock;
- 98 Yonge; and
- 520 / 521 Newmarket community bus.