At its meeting of Wednesday, December 16, the City of Guelph’s council approved the city’s 2016 operating and capital budget.
The budget effectively reduces Guelph Transit services, but also requires passengers to pay more to ride local public transit in Guelph.
Cash fares remain at $3 for 2016. Affordable bus passes — for adults, youth and seniors — remain at $37.50, $32 and $31, as they were in 2015.
You’ll have to pay more for a ten-pack of tickets, single tickets, day passes and monthly passes.
Ten adult tickets now cost you $28. You’ll pay $2.80 for a single ticket. Day passes and monthly passes for adults increase to $8 and $80.
You can view a list of 2016 fares here.
In 2016, Guelph Transit will reduce service statutory holidays. Buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops along their routes every hour, instead of every 30 minutes.
GT is also reducing the frequency of service July and August. Summer service hours are every 30 minutes all day, including rush hours. (For the rest of the year, buses offer passengers 20-minute rush-hour service.)
On the other hand, council approved $11,000 to the transit budget to support free transit service to the Canada Day fireworks display.