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Toronto Transit Commission meets,
January 21

The Toronto Transit Commission meets Thursday, January 21 at 10 a.m. in Committee Room #2, Second Floor, City Hall, 100 Queen Street West.

The commission is the TTC’s board of directors. It oversees matters of policy and planning, building, maintaining and operating the TTC system and expanding its services and facilities.

Commissioners include City of Toronto councillors and members of the public.

During the meeting, the commissioners will discuss, among other items, a staff report recommending that the TTC:

  • ask the City of Toronto and the Region of York to further increase the budget for the project to extend the 1 Yonge - University subway to Vaughan. The total increase would be $400 million to resolve outstanding legal claims from contractors and suppliers. (You can read the report here. (.pdf))

They will also review:

  • a status report on increasing express buses, including five new express services that the TTC plans to introduce March 27. (You can read the report here. (.pdf))
  • the chief executive officer’s report for January 2016. (You can read the report here. (.pdf))
  • a commissioner motion, asking TTC staff to report on the benefits of “microtransit” in Toronto. (You can read the motion here. (.pdf))
  • a commissioner motion about developing special fares for passengers who are Toronto Bike Share users and who combine cycling with transit during their commutes. (You can read the motion here. (.pdf))

You can view the agenda for the meeting here.

Toronto Transit Commission meetings are public meetings — anyone may attend. If you wish to speak to the commission about an item on its agenda during this meeting, e-mail the Co-ordinator — Secretariat Services at: before noon, Wednesday, January 20.

You can learn more about making a deputation — or presentation — to the commission here.