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TTC repairing streetcar tracks
on Bathurst Street, starting March 14

Update — Friday, March 25, 7:35 a.m.: TTC crews will finish the last section of track from Monday, March 28 until Wednesday, March 30.

Update — Monday, March 21, 3:36 p.m.: TTC crews completed most of the necessary work over the weekend. They will not be working next weekend and the TTC will not be diverting streetcars.

Starting today, Monday, March 14, TTC crews are making essential concrete repairs at various sites along the edges of the streetcar tracks on

  • Bathurst Street from north of College Street to Bathurst Station.

The work returns the track area to a state of good repair.

Crews repair the track area in four phases, working north from College Street:

  • Phase 1: from north of College Street to south of Ulster Street;
  • Phase 2: from north of Ulster Street to south of Harbord Street;
  • Phase 3: from north of Harbord Street to north of Lennox Street; and
  • Phase 4: from north of Bloor Street West to Bathurst Station.

The track crew will break and remove concrete along the edge of the track area Mondays to Friday. The TTC will maintain regular streetcar service.

They’ll place new concrete in the track area over the weekend. The TTC will detour streetcars and operate buses along part of the regular route. The new concrete cures until 5 a.m. Monday, March 21 and Monday, March 28, before traffic can again travel over the track area.

To create a safe work zone and maintain through traffic in both directions, the City of Toronto will restrict on-street parking in the various work zones. Motorists can continue to drive in the curb lanes.

The crews generally work seven days a week from 8 a.m. until 10 p.m. They may work later than 10 p.m. depending on progress and weather. The set up and removal of the work zone is generally conducted during the early morning when traffic is lighter.

Saturdays, March 19 and March 26 and Sundays, March 20 and March 27, the TTC is detouring streetcars operating along this route:

  • 511 Bathurst.

The cars operate to and from Spadina Station, instead of Bathurst Station, those weekends. Shuttle buses replace the cars, operating between Bathurst Station and Queen Street West.


Weekend construction also affects service along this route:

  • 512 St Clair.

Passengers may board buses replacing streetcars at all doors with a proof of payment, such as a TTC pass or transfer. Since the TTC has not yet equipped its buses with PRESTO fare-card readers, PRESTO users must board the buses only by the front door to pay their fare with cash, a ticket or token.

511 Bathurst

Saturdays, March 19 and March 26 and Sundays, March 20 and March 27, southbound cars start their trips in Spadina Station, then proceed:

southward along Spadina Avenue, Spadina Crescent and Spadina Avenue; and then
westward along College Street to Bathurst Street,
resuming their regular route southward along Bathurst.

Southbound buses skip their regular stops

  • in Bathurst Station terminal,
  • on Bathurst Street south of Bloor Street West and at Harbord, Ulster and College Streets.

Instead, southbound cars drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • in Spadina Station streetcar terminal,
  • on Spadina Avenue south of Sussex Avenue and Harbord Street and at Willcocks Street and
  • on College Street at Major Street, across from Borden Street and at Bathurst Street.

Shuttle buses replace the cars, operating between Bathurst Station and Queen Street West.

Northbound cars reverse the southbound detour routing.

Northbound cars skip their regular stops

  • on Bathurst Street at Ulster, Harbord and Lennox Streets and Bloor Street West and
  • in Bathurst Station terminal.

Instead, northbound cars drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on College Street at Borden Street and Augusta and Spadina Avenues,
  • on Spadina Avenue north of College Street, at Willcocks Street, north of Harbord Street and at Sussex Avenue and
  • in Spadina Station streetcar terminal.

Shuttle buses replace the cars, operating between Queen Street West and Bathurst Station. Northbound streetcar passengers may transfer to northbound buses at stops on Bathurst Street between Carr and College Streets.

511 Bathurst shuttle bus

Saturdays, March 19 and March 26 and Sundays, March 20 and March 27, buses replace streetcars operating along the 511 Bathurst route between Bathurst Station and College Street.

Southbound buses start their trips in Bathurst Station, then proceed:

southward along Bathurst Street to Wolseley Loop; and then
eastward into Wolseley Loop,
ending their trips.

(Wolseley Loop is one block north of Queen Street West.)

Southbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • in Bathurst Station terminal,
  • on Bathurst Street south of Bloor Street West and at Harbord, Ulster, College and Nassau Streets, Dundas Street West and Robinson Street.

Southbound bus passengers may transfer to southbound streetcars at stops on Bathurst Street between College and Robinson Streets.

Northbound buses reverse the southbound routing.

Northbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • on Bathurst Street north of Carr Street, at Dundas Street West, Nassau, College, Ulster, Harbord and Lennox Streets and Bloor Street West and
  • in Bathurst Station terminal.
512 St Clair

Construction on the streetcar tracks on Bathurst Street prevents streetcars from entering and leaving service on St. Clair Avenue.

Saturdays, March 19 and March 26 and Sundays, March 20 and March 27, buses replace streetcars along the entire route.