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TTC closing south side of bus terminal
at Ossington Station, April 23 and 24

The TTC is retrofitting Ossington Station to make it accessible to all passengers.

This Saturday, April 23 and Sunday, April 24, the TTC is temporarily closing the south bus roadway in the terminal at Ossington Station as part of the accessibility project. While the roadway is closed, crews will remove concrete around the elevator shaft (for elevator 1) and replace it with new concrete. They’ll also rehabilitate areas around the catch basin in the roadway. Wayfinding signs will guide you to the platform so you can board the correct buses in the terminal.

All buses serving the terminal drop off or pick up passengers on the north side of the terminal this weekend. Buses operating along the 161 Rogers Rd route detour. Eastbound buses operate along their regular route to Bloor Street West and Concord Avenue, then detour:

northward along Concord; and then
eastward into Ossington Station terminal (north side),
ending their trips.

Eastbound buses skip their regular stop

  • on Bloor Street West at Concord Avenue.

Westbound buses operate from the north side of the terminal, then proceed:

southward along Ossington Avenue; and then
westward along Bloor Street West to Concord Avenue,
resuming their regular route westward along Bloor West.

Westbound buses skip their regular stop

  • on Concord Avenue at Bloor Street West.

Buses operating along the 161 Rogers Rd route resume regular service through the south bus loop, 6 a.m. Monday, April 25.

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