Two special events in Toronto — the Balanse Bum Run and the annual Khalsa Day Parade — affect TTC services this weekend.
The events affect these routes:
Toronto Transit Commission — 5 Avenue Rd, 6 Bay, 29C Dufferin, 94 Wellesley, 172 Cherry St, 501 Queen, 504 King, 506 Carlton, 509 Harbourfront, 510 Spadina, 511 Bathurst.
Balanse Bum Run
The City of Toronto is closing
- Queen’s Park Crescent West, all lanes, between Queen’s Park / Queen’s Park Crescent East and College Street,
- Queen’s Park Crescent East, all lanes, between St. Joseph Street and Queen’s Park / Queen’s Park Crescent West,
- College Street, westbound curb lane, between Queen’s Park and St. George Street,
- Bay Street, southbound curb lane, between Bloor Street West and St. Joseph Street
and other streets near Queen’s Park and the University of Toronto’s St. George Campus Sunday morning to accommodate the annual road race to support colo-rectal cancer charities.
The event affects TTC service.
5 Avenue Rd
From 7:45 until 10:30 a.m. Sunday, April 24, southbound buses operate along their regular route to Avenue and Davenport Roads, then detour:
westward along Davenport;
southward along Bedford Road;
westward along Prince Arthur Avenue; and then
southward into St. George Station bus terminal,
ending their trips.Southbound buses skip their regular stops
- on Avenue Road at Boswell Avenue, across from Yorkville Avenue and at Bloor Street West,
- on Queen’s Park across from Charles Street West beside Museum Station,
- on Queen’s Park Crescent West at Hoskin Avenue and beside Hart House and the University of Toronto Library,
- on Queen’s Park Crescent East north of College Street.
Instead, southbound buses drop off passengers at temporary stops
- on Davenport Road West of Avenue Road and beside #250 Davenport,
- on Bedford Road south of Bernard Avenue and at Lowther Avenue and
- in St. George Station terminal.
Northbound buses start their trips in St. George Station terminal, then proceed:
northward along Bedford Road; and then
eastward along Davenport Road to Avenue Road,
resuming their regular route northward along Avenue Road.Northbound buses skip their regular stops
- on Queen’s Park Crescent East north of College Street, at Wellesley Street East and north of St. Joseph Street,
- on Queen’s Park north of Charles Street West beside Museum Station,
- on Avenue Road north of Bloor Street West across from Lowther and Boswell Avenues and at Davenport Road.
Instead, northbound buses pick up passengers at temporary stops
- in St. George Station terminal and
- on Bedford Road north of Lowther and Tranby Avenues and at Davenport Road.
6 Bay
From 7:45 until 10:30 a.m. Sunday, April 24, southbound passengers should expect delays on Bay Street between Bloor Street West and St. Joseph Street.
The annual Khalsa Day Parade also affects service along this route Sunday, April 26.
506 Carlton
From 7 until 10:30 a.m. Sunday, April 24, westbound passengers should expect delays on College Street between Queen’s Park and Spadina Avenue.
510 Spadina
From 7:45 until 10:30 a.m. Sunday, April 24, northbound passengers should expect delays on Spadina Avenue and Spadina Crescent between College Street and Bloor Street West.
The annual Khalsa Day Parade also affects service along this route Sunday, April 26.
94 Wellesley
From 7 until 10:30 a.m. Sunday, April 24, eastbound buses operate along their regular route to Harbord Street and Spadina Avenue, then detour:
northward along Spadina;
eastward along Bloor Street West; and then
southward along Bay Street to Wellesley Street West,
resuming their regular route eastward along Wellesley West.Eastbound buses skip their regular stops
- on Harbord Street at St. George Street,
- on Hoskin Avenue beside Wycliffe College and
- on Wellesley Street West beside the Ontario Legislature, east of Queen’s Park Crescent East and at Bay Street.
Instead, eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops
- on Spadina Avenue at Sussex Avenue,
- on Bloor Street West at St. George Street, across from Bedford Road and at Queen’s Park and Bay Street and
- on Bay Street south of Charles Street West and at St. Joseph Street.
Westbound buses reverse the detour routing.
Westbound buses skip their regular stops
- on Wellesley Street West at Bay Street and Queen’s Park Crescent East,
- on Queen’s Park Crescent West at Hoskin Avenue,
- on Hoskin Avenue beside Trinity College and at St. George Street and
- on Harbord Street at Spadina Avenue.
Instead, westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops
- on Bay Street at St. Joseph Street and Charles Street West,
- on Bloor Street West at Avenue and Bedford Roads and St. George Street,
- on Spadina Avenue at Sussex Avenue and Harbord Street.
Khalsa Day Parade
The Ontario Sikhs and Gurdwaras Council organizes the annual parade, celebrating the Sikh New Year and the birth of Khalsa. This is the third largest parade in Canada and attracts as many as 80,000 participants and spectators each year.
Before the parade, famous Sikh musicians and scholars accompany school children in hymns and prayers at Exhibition Place. The parade kicks off at 1 p.m. and proceeds to City Hall, finishing at about 3 p.m. Following the parade, dignitaries address the gathering from 3:30 until 5 p.m.
Expect Toronto Police Service officers to close these streets as the parade passes and then reopen them after the procession has cleared the streets at various times between 1 and 3 p.m.:
- Lake Shore Boulevard West / Harbour Street between Ontario Drive and York Street;
- York Street between Queen’s Quay West and Front Street West;
- University Avenue between Front Street West and Armoury Street; and
- Armoury Street between University Avenue and Chestnut Street.
The event affects TTC services.
6 Bay
From about 3 until 5 p.m. Sunday, April 24, expect delays at the end of the event as crowds disperse from Nathan Phillips Square.
The Balanse Bum Run also affects service along this route Sunday, April 26.
511 Bathurst.
Until 1 p.m. Sunday, April 24, expect high volumes of passengers traveling to Exhibition Place. From about 1 until 2 p.m., expect delays from crowds at Bathurst Street / Fleet Street / Lake Shore Boulevard West. Toronto Police Service officers will let streetcars pass through gaps in the parade.
172 Cherry St
Until about 1 p.m. Sunday, April 24, expect detours or delays.
29C Dufferin
From about 2 until 3 p.m., expect high volumes of passengers traveling to Exhibition Place. From about 9:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. Sunday, April 24, expect detours or delays along Princes’ Boulevard between Canada Drive and Prince Edward Island Crescent in Exhibition Place.
509 Harbourfront
Until 1 p.m., Sunday, April 24, expect high volumes of passengers traveling to Exhibition Place. From about 1 until 2 p.m., expect delays from crowds at Bathurst Street / Fleet Street / Lake Shore Boulevard West. Toronto Police Service officers will let streetcars pass through gaps in the parade.
504 King
From about 2 until 3 p.m. Sunday, April 24, expect delays as the parade passes along University Avenue at King Street West. Toronto Police Service officers will let streetcars pass through gaps in the parade.
501 Queen
From about 2 until 3 p.m. Sunday, April 24, expect delays as the parade passes along University Avenue at Queen Street West. Toronto Police Service officers will let streetcars pass through gaps in the parade. Also expect large crowds at the end of the event on Nathan Phillips Square.
510 Spadina
From about 1 until 2 p.m. on Sunday, April 24, expect delays as the parade passes along Lake Shore Boulevard West at Lower Spadina Avenue. Toronto Police Service officers will let buses pass through gaps in the parade.
The Balanse Bum Run also affects service along this route Sunday, April 26.