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TTC grinding rails on Gerrard East,
April 29, 30, May 5

As part of its regular program of maintaining its streetcar tracks in a state of good repair, the TTC is grinding the rails in a number of sections of its streetcar network that have developed roughness.

The next sections for grinding are on Gerrard Street East:

  • Friday, April 29 - between Bowmore and Gainsborough Roads;
  • Saturday, April 30 - between Glenside Avenue and Leslie Street; and
  • Tuesday, May 5 - between River and Parliament Streets.

By grinding the rails and removing roughness, the TTC is reducing noise and vibration levels, extending the life of the rail and providing smoother streetcar service through these areas.

The slow-moving rail-grinding unit operates from about 9 p.m. until about 5 a.m. Afterwards, a street sweeper cleans the track area each day.

The TTC is detouring streetcars operating along these routes, while contractors grind the rails:

  • 306 Carlton overnight; and
  • 506 Carlton.

Shuttle buses replace the cars.

You may board the shuttle buses by any door at any time, if you have a proof of payment — such as a transfer or pass. PRESTO card users must board by the front door and pay their fares with cash, since the TTC has not yet equipped all buses with PRESTO card readers.

506 Carlton
306 Carlton overnight

The TTC is diverting the cars as crews grind the rails at three different sites on Gerrard Street East over three nights:

From 9 p.m. Friday, April 29 until 5 a.m. Saturday, April 30, while crews grind the rails between Bowmore and Gainsborough Roads, westbound cars start their trips in Queen / Coxwell Loop, then proceed:

westward along Queen Street East; and then
northward along Coxwell Avenue to [lower] Gerrard Street East / Eastwood Road,
resuming their regular route westward along Gerrard East.

Westbound cars skip their regular stops

  • in Main Street Station bus terminal,
  • on Main Street at Danforth Avenue and Gerrard Street East,
  • on [upper] Gerrard Street East at Norwood Road, across from Glenmount Park Road at Golfview and Woodbine Avenues, at Kingsmount Park Road, across from Bowmore Road and Beaton Avenue and at Coxwell Avenue and
  • on Coxwell Avenue at [lower] Gerrard Street East.

Instead, westbound cars drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on Coxwell Avenue at Dundas Street East, Robbins Avenue and Eastwood Road.

Shuttle buses replace the cars, operating between Main Street Station and Coxwell Avenue / Eastern Avenue.

Eastbound cars operate along their regular route to [lower] Gerrard Street East and Coxwell Avenue, then detour:

southward along Coxwell; and then
eastward into Queen / Coxwell Loop,
ending their trips.

Eastbound cars skip their regular stops

  • on Coxwell Avenue at [upper] Gerrard Street East,
  • on [upper] Gerrard Street East at Beaton Avenue, Bowmore and Kingsmount Park Roads, Woodbine and Beachview Avenues, at Glenmount Park and Norwood Roads and Main Street,
  • on Main Street at Danforth Avenue and
  • in Main Street Station terminal.

Instead, eastbound cars drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on Coxwell Avenue across from Robbins Avenue and at Dundas Street East.

Shuttle buses replace the cars, operating between Coxwell / Eastern and Main Street Station. Eastbound streetcar passengers may transfer to eastbound buses on [lower] Gerrard Street East at Coxwell Avenue.

From 9 p.m. Saturday, April 30 until 5 a.m. Sunday, May 1, while crews grind the rails between Glenside Avenue and Leslie Street, westbound streetcars operate along their regular route to Coxwell Avenue and Gerrard Street East / Eastwood Road, then proceed:

southward along Coxwell;
westward along Queen Street East; and then
northward along Parliament Street to Gerrard Street East,
resuming their regular route northward along Parliament.

Westbound cars skip their regular stops

  • on (lower) Gerrard Street East at Ashdale Avenue, Highfield Road, Greenwood and Prust Avenues, Leslie Street, Jones, Marjory, Pape, Carlaw and Logan Avenues, across from DeGrassi Street, Broadview Avenue, St. Matthews Road, River, Sumach, Sackville and Parliament Streets.

Instead, westbound cars drop off and pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on Coxwell Avenue across from Robbins Avenue and at Dundas and Queen Streets East,
  • on Queen Street East at Kent Road, across from Connaught Avenue, at Greenwood and Alton Avenues, Leslie Street, Jones, Brooklyn, Pape, Carlaw and Logan Avenues, west of Booth and Boulton Avenues, at Broadview Avenue, Carroll Street, River, Sumach, Sackville and Parliament Streets and
  • on Parliament Street at Shuter Street, Dundas Street East, Oak Street and Gerrard Street East.

Shuttle buses replace the cars between Coxwell Avenue and Parliament Street. Westbound streetcar passengers may transfer to westbound buses at Coxwell Avenue and [lower] Gerrard Street East.

Eastbound streetcars operate along their regular route to Gerrard Street East and Broadview Avenue, then detour:

southward along Broadview;
eastward along Queen Street East; and then
northward along Coxwell Avenue to Gerrard,
resuming their regular route northward along Coxwell.

Eastbound cars skip their regular stops

  • on (lower) Gerrard Street East at Sackville, Sumach, River and Blackburn Streets, Broadview Avenue, DeGrassi Street, Logan, Carlaw, Pape, Marjory and Jones Avenues, Leslie Street, Alton and Greenwood Avenues, Woodfield Road and Ashdale and Coxwell Avenues.

Instead, eastbound cars drop off and pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on Broadview Avenue at Mount Stephen Street, Dundas and Queen Streets East,
  • on Queen Street East at Saulter Street and Empire, Logan, Carlaw, Pape and Caroline Avenues, across from Jones Avenue, at Leslie and Laing Streets, across from Greenwood Avenue and at Connaught, Woodward and Coxwell Avenues and
  • on Coxwell Avenue at Dundas Street East, Robbins Avenue and Eastwood Road.

Shuttle buses replace the cars between Broadview and Coxwell Avenues. Eastbound streetcar passengers may transfer to eastbound buses at stops on Gerrard Street East between Parliament Street and Broadview Avenue.

From 9 p.m. Thursday, May 5 until 5 a.m. Friday, May 6, while crews grind the rails between River and Parliament Streets, westbound cars operate along their regular route to Gerrard Street East and Broadview Avenue, then detour:

southward along Broadview;
westward along Dundas Street East; and then
northward along Parliament Street to Gerrard East,
resuming their regular route northward along Parliament.

Westbound cars skip their regular stops

  • on Gerrard Street East at St. Matthews Road and River, Sumach, Sackville and Parliament Streets.

Instead, westbound cars drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on Broadview Avenue at Mount Stephen Street and Dundas Street East,
  • on Dundas Street East at Munro, River, Sumach, Sackville and Parliament Streets and
  • on Parliament Street at Oak Street and Gerrard Street East.

Shuttle buses replace the cars between Broadview Avenue and Parliament Street. Westbound streetcar passengers may transfer to westbound buses at Gerrard Street East and Broadview Avenue.

Eastbound cars reverse the westbound detour routing.

Eastbound cars skip their regular stops

  • on Gerrard Street at Sackville, Sumach, River and Blackburn Streets and Broadview Avenue.

Instead, eastbound cars drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on Parliament Street across from Oak Street and at Dundas Street East,
  • on Dundas Street East at Sackville, Sumach, River and Munro Streets and Broadview Avenue and
  • on Broadview Avenue across from Mount Stephen Street and at Gerrard Street East.

Shuttle buses replace the cars between Parliament Street and Broadview Avenue. Eastbound streetcar passengers may transfer to eastbound buses at Parliament Street and Gerrard Street East.

306 / 506 Carlton shuttle bus

The TTC is diverting the cars and operating buses, as crews grind the rails at three different sites on Gerrard Street East over three nights:

From 9 p.m. Friday, April 29 until 5 a.m. Saturday, April 30, buses replace streetcars along the 306 Carlton overnight and 506 Carlton route east of Coxwell Avenue.

Westbound buses start their trips in Main Street Station terminal, then proceed:

southward along Main Street;
westward along [upper] Gerrard Street East;
southward along Coxwell Avenue;
eastward along Queen Street East; and then
southward along Eastern to just south of Queen East,
ending their trips.

Westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • in Main Street Station bus terminal,
  • on Main Street at Danforth Avenue and Gerrard Street East,
  • on [upper] Gerrard Street East at Norwood Road, across from Glenmount Park Road at Golfview and Woodbine Avenues, at Kingsmount Park Road, across from Bowmore Road and Beaton Avenue and at Coxwell Avenue,
  • on Coxwell Avenue at [lower] Gerrard Street East, across from Robbins Avenue and at Dundas and Queen Streets East and
  • on Eastern Avenue south of Queen Street East.

Westbound bus passengers may transfer to westbound streetcars at Coxwell Avenue and [lower] Gerrard Street East.

Eastbound buses start their trips in on Eastern Avenue south of Queen Street East, then proceed:

south- and westward along Eastern;
northward along Coxwell Avenue;
eastward along [upper] Gerrard Street East;
northward along Main Street; and then
eastward into Main Street Station,
ending their trips.

Eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on Eastern Avenue south of Queen Street East,
  • on Coxwell Avenue north of Eastern Avenue, at Dundas Street East, Robbins Avenue, Eastwood Road and [upper] Gerrard Street East,
  • on [upper] Gerrard Street East at Beaton Avenue, Bowmore and Kingsmount Park Roads, Woodbine and Beachview Avenues, at Glenmount Park and Norwood Roads and Main Street,
  • on Main Street at Danforth Avenue and
  • in Main Street Station terminal.

From 9 p.m. Saturday, April 30 until 5 a.m. Sunday, May 1, the TTC is replacing streetcars along the 306 Carlton overnight and 506 Carlton routes with buses between Coxwell Avenue and Parliament Street.

Westbound buses start their trips on Eastern Avenue south of Queen Street East, then proceed:

south- and westward along Eastern Avenue;
northward along Coxwell Avenue;
westward along [lower] Gerrard Street East; and then
northward along Sherbourne Street to Carlton Street,
ending their trips.

Westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • on Eastern Avenue south of Queen Street East,
  • on Coxwell Avenue north of Eastern Avenue, at Dundas Street East, Robbins Avenue and Eastwood Road,
  • on [lower] Gerrard Street East at Ashdale Avenue, Highfield Road, Greenwood and Prust Avenues, Leslie Street, Jones, Marjory, Pape, Carlaw and Logan Avenues, across from DeGrassi Street, at Broadview Avenue, St. Matthews Road, River, Sumach, Sackville and Parliament Streets.

Eastbound buses start their trips at Sherbourne and Carlton Streets, then proceed:

eastward along Carlton;
southward along Parliament Street;
eastward along Gerrard Street East;
southward along Coxwell Avenue;
eastward along Queen Street East; and then
southward along Eastern Avenue to just south of Queen Street East,
ending their trips.

Eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • on Carlton Street at Ontario and Parliament Streets,
  • on Parliament Street at Gerrard Street East,
  • on [lower] Gerrard Street East at Sackville, Sumach, River and Blackburn Streets, Broadview Avenue, DeGrassi Street, Logan, Carlaw, Pape, Marjory and Jones Avenues, Leslie Street, Alton and Greenwood Avenues, Woodfield Road and Ashdale and Coxwell Avenues,
  • on Coxwell Avenue across from Robbins Avenue and at Dundas and Queen Street East and
  • on Eastern Avenue south of Queen Street East.

Eastbound bus passengers may transfer to eastbound streetcars at Gerrard Street East and Coxwell Avenue.

From 9 p.m. Thursday, May 5 until 5 a.m. Friday, May 6, the TTC is replacing streetcars along the 306 Carlton overnight and 506 Carlton routes with buses between Broadview Avenue and Parliament Street.

Westbound buses start their trips on Logan Avenue south of Gerrard Street East, then proceed:

northward along Logan;
westward along Gerrard Street East; and then
northward along Sherbourne Street to Carlton Street,
ending their trips.

Westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • on Gerrard Street East across from DeGrassi Street, at Broadview Avenue, St. Matthews Road and River, Sumach, Sackville and Parliament Streets.

Westbound bus passengers may transfer to westbound streetcars at Gerrard Street East and Parliament Street.

Eastbound buses start their trips on Sherbourne Street south of Carlton Street, then proceed:

northward along Sherbourne;
eastward along Carlton Street;
southward along Parliament Street;
eastward along Gerrard Street East;
southward along Broadview Avenue;
eastward along Dundas Street East; and then
northward along Logan Avenue to just south of Gerrard Street East,
ending their trips.

Eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • on Carlton Street at Ontario and Parliament Streets,
  • on Parliament Street at Gerrard Street East,
  • on [lower] Gerrard Street East at Sackville, Sumach, River and Blackburn Streets and Broadview Avenue.
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