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No subway service, June 18 and 19:
Downsview to St Clair West


The TTC is closing the 1 Yonge - University subway line between Downsview and St Clair West stations this weekend, Saturday, June 18 and Sunday, June 19, while crews upgrade the signal system and maintain the tracks.

While this section of the subway is closed, Line 1 trains operate only between Finch and St Clair West stations. Shuttle buses replace subway service north of St Clair West. The buses do not serve passengers at Glencairn Station. Instead, buses drop off or pick up passengers traveling to and from the area of the station at the intersection of Bathurst Street and Glencairn Avenue.

Glencairn Station will be closed to all passengers. All other stations along the closed section of the line will be open so that you can buy tickets, tokens or passes or connect with TTC buses.

Regular subway service resumes 6 a.m. June 21.

Wheel-Trans buses will be available at St Clair West, Eglinton West and Downsview stations for passengers who need accessible transit.

You can ask for the Wheel-Trans bus by speaking with a supervisor at the stations. If you’re traveling northbound and require an elevator, exit at St George Station and speak to a supervisor to ask for the Wheel-Transit bus.

Shuttle-bus alternatives

One way that you can reduce the impact of the closure is by planning ahead, leaving earlier than usually and giving yourself more time to get to where you’re going.

Although shuttle buses replacing subway service will be frequent, they may also be crowded.

Regular TTC buses and streetcars provide less frequent, less direct, but, perhaps, less stressful alternatives.

Consider boarding, or remaining aboard, eastbound buses and street cars to connect with the Yonge branch of the subway line. This applies not just to the closed section of the subway, but to stations south of the closure, so you can avoid the University branch entirely.

At the closed section of the subway:

  • ride buses operating along the 84 Sheppard West or 196 York University rocket routes to Sheppard - Yonge, instead of Downsview Station; or
  • ride buses operating along the 96 Wilson or 165 Weston Rd North routes to York Mills Station, instead of Wilson Station.
  • ride buses operating along the 52 Lawrence West route to Lawrence, instead of Lawrence West Station;
  • ride buses operating along the 14 Glencairn route to Davisville, instead of Glencairn Station;
  • ride buses operating along the 32 Eglinton West route to Eglinton, instead of Eglinton West Station;
  • ride streetcars operating along the 512 St Clair route to St Clair, instead of St Clair West Station.

South of the closed section of the subway

  • ride buses operating along the 26 Dupont route to St George, instead of Dupont Station.
  • ride buses operating along the 127 Davenport route to Spadina, instead of Dupont Station.
  • ride streetcars operating along the 506 Carlton route to College, instead of Queen’s Park Station;
  • ride streetcars operating along the 505 Dundas route to Dundas, instead of St Patrick Station;
  • ride streetcars operating along the 501 Queen route to Queen, instead of Osgoode Station; or
  • ride streetcars operating along the 504 King route to King, instead of St Andrew Station.

You can also ride the 2 Bloor - Danforth subway line from Spadina or St George Stations to connect with the Yonge branch at Bloor - Yonge Station.

The City of Toronto is restricting parking on both curb lanes of Bathurst Street between Glencairn Avenue and Ava Road (south of Eglinton Avenue West) to help significantly speed transit and vehicular traffic through congestion points along the shuttle-bus route this weekend.

Crews are laying as much as 6,400 metres (21,000 feet) of cable for the TTC’s new automatic train control signal system and install other related equipment, including beacons and junction boxes.

The TTC previously closed some of this part of the subway several times this year already:

It plans to close all or part of this section of the subway line:

  • Saturday, September 10 and Sunday, September 11between Downsview and Wilson.
  • Saturday, September 17 and Sunday, September 18between Downsview and St George.
  • Saturday, October 8, Sunday, October 9 and Thanksgiving, Monday, October 10between Downsview and Wilson.
  • Saturday, October 15 and Sunday, October 16between Downsview and St George.
  • Saturday, October 29 and Sunday, October 30between Downsview and St George.
  • Saturday, December 3 and Sunday, December 4between Downsview and Wilson.

Subway-replacement shuttle buses

(The TTC has not confirmed routing information. We’ve based this part of the post on information that the TTC has provided during previous closures of this and other nearby sections of the line.)

Southbound buses start their trips in Downsview Station, then proceed:

southward along William R. Allen Road;
west- and southward along Transit Road;
loop through Wilson Station bus terminal;
north- and eastward along Transit;
southward along Allen, the ramp to Yorkdale Road and Yorkdale, stopping near Yorkdale Station;
southward along Yorkdale and Allen;
eastward along Lawrence Avenue West;
looping through Lawrence West Station bus terminal;
eastward along Lawrence West;
southward along Bathurst Street, stopping at Glencairn Avenue,
westward along Eglinton Avenue West;
looping through Eglinton West Station bus terminal;
eastward along Eglinton Avenue West;
southward along Bathurst; and then
eastward along St. Clair Avenue West to St Clair West Station terminal,
ending their trips.

Northbound buses reverse the southbound routing.