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Bathurst / College construction:
TTC detours start June 20

Update — Tuesday, July 12, 6:02 a.m.: The City and TTC reopened the intersection of College and Bathurst at 6 a.m. Monday, July 11. The TTC continues to revise or detour services due to other construction projects on College Street.

Update — Sunday, June 26, 8:45 a.m.: The TTC is further revising or detouring services, starting Monday, June 27.

The City of Toronto and the TTC are replacing the streetcar tracks at the intersection of College and Bathurst. To accommodate this work, the City will completely close the intersection from 6 a.m. Monday, June 20 until 6 a.m. Tuesday, July 12.

The City also removing the eastbound streetcar platform and rebuilding the westbound platform to meet the accessibility guidelines of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act or AODA. College Street is not wide enough to include platforms that appropriately serve TTC riders who use assistive devices. Crews will also adjust the corners and sidewalks to better serve the TTC’s new, low-floor Toronto Flexity streetcars. When work is complete, eastbound passengers will board streetcars from the sidewalk.

For this project, crews are:

  • removing the concrete and old streetcar track;
  • replacing the concrete;
  • installing new track;
  • rebuilding the westbound streetcar platform;
  • removing the eastbound nearside streetcar platform;
  • repairing sidewalks to improve accessibility;
  • restoring the road and sidewalks;
  • repairing concrete on the College Street track allowance between Lippincott and Borden Streets; and
  • abandoning old water-mains by cutting and capping the ends.

You can expect crews to work at times during this project 24 hours a day and seven days a week.

The first few days are the most disruptive, when crews are breaking and removing concrete from the streetcar track areas. They’ll finish breaking concrete by 11 p.m. each night.

When crews are rebuilding the TTC tracks, they may work evenings and overnight. Overnight, the TTC crews are moving rails into position, installing the new rails and welding and grinding them. After-hours work supports daytime construction, the TTC says, and helps it finish the project as quickly as possible.

Expect noise when trucks back up or when crews are moving rail into place.

The City is prohibiting parking in the active work zone. If you’ve parked your vehicle so that it blocks construction work, the City will relocate it with no charge to you. Call parking control at 416-808-2222 to learn the location of your vehicle.

During this project the TTC is revising services or detouring streetcars and buses operating along these routes:

  • 306 Carlton overnight;
  • 310 Bathurst overnight;
  • 506 Carlton;
  • 509 / 511 Harbourfront / Bathurst shuttle bus; and
  • 511 Bathurst.


This map displays the detour routings Monday to Friday.


This map displays the detour routings overnight and all day Saturday and Sunday.

It’s operating buses to replace streetcar service along the west end of the 506 Carlton route during this and another construction project at Bay and College Streets. The buses operate through the work zone at Bay and College but detour around the work zone at Bathurst and College.

The detour routings for buses and streetcars operating along the 506 Carlton route continue until Sunday, June 26, when construction at Bay and College Streets wraps up. The TTC will revise the detour routing, starting Monday, June 27.

It’s also operating buses to replace streetcars along the entire 511 Bathurst route. The buses detour around the work zone at Bathurst and College but also allow TTC contractors and crews to work on two other construction projects — in Exhibition Loop and at Bathurst Station. The TTC may also revise this detour routing during the next phase of the project, starting Monday, June 27.

511 Bathurst

From Monday, June 20 until Sunday, June 26, buses replace streetcars along the entire route.

Southbound buses operate along the regular 511 route to Bathurst and Harbord Streets, then detour:

eastward along Harbord;
southward along Spadina Avenue; and then
westward along Dundas Street West to Bathurst,
resuming their regular route southward along Bathurst.

Southbound buses skip regular route 511 stops

  • on Bathurst Street at Ulster and College Streets, across from Nassau Street and at Dundas Street West.

Instead, southbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on Harbord Street at Brunswick and Spadina Avenues,
  • on Spadina Avenue south of Harbord Street, at Willcocks Street and south of College and Nassau Streets and
  • on Dundas Street West at Denison Avenue and Bathurst Street.

Northbound buses operate along the regular route to Bathurst Street and Dundas Street West, then again detour:

eastward along Dundas West;
northward along Spadina Avenue; and then
westward along Harbord Street to Bathurst Street,
resuming their regular route northward along Bathurst.

Northbound buses skip their regular stops

  • on Bathurst Street at Nassau, College, Ulster and Harbord Streets.

Instead, northbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on Dundas Street West at Denison and Spadina Avenues,
  • on Spadina Avenue north of Dundas Street West, across from Nassau Street, north of College Street and at Willcocks Street and
  • on Harbord Street at Brunswick Avenue and Bathurst Street.

The TTC may revise the detour routing during the next phase of the project, starting Monday, June 27.

310 Bathurst overnight

From Monday, June 20 until Sunday, June 26, southbound buses operate along their regular route to Bathurst and Harbord Streets, then detour:

eastward along Harbord;
southward along Spadina Avenue; and then
westward along Dundas Street West to Bathurst,
resuming their regular route southward along Bathurst.

Southbound buses skip their regular stops

  • on Bathurst Street at Ulster and College Streets, across from Nassau Street and at Dundas Street West.

Instead, southbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on Harbord Street at Brunswick and Spadina Avenues,
  • on Spadina Avenue south of Harbord Street, at Willcocks Street and south of College and Nassau Streets and
  • on Dundas Street West at Denison Avenue and Bathurst Street.

Northbound buses reverse the southbound routing.

Northbound buses skip their regular stops

  • on Bathurst Street at Nassau, College, Ulster and Harbord Streets.

Instead, northbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on Dundas Street West at Denison and Spadina Avenues,
  • on Spadina Avenue north of Dundas Street West, across from Nassau Street, north of College Street and at Willcocks Street and
  • on Harbord Street at Brunswick Avenue and Bathurst Street.

The TTC may revise the detour routing during the next phase of the project, starting Monday, June 27.

506 Carlton

Mondays to Fridays from Monday, June 20 until Friday, June 24, the TTC splits the route. Streetcars operate along the east end of the route. Buses replace regular streetcar service along the west end of the route, but they detour around the work zone at Bathurst and College Streets.

Eastbound cars start their trips in McCaul Loop, then proceed:

southward along McCaul Street;
eastward along Queen Streets West and East; and then
northward along Parliament Street to Gerrard Street East,
resuming their regular route eastward along Gerrard East.

Eastbound cars skip their regular stops

  • in High Park Loop,
  • on Howard Park Avenue east of Parkside Drive and at Indian Road, Roncesvalles Avenue and Dundas Street West,
  • on Dundas Street West at Sorauren Avenue, across from Sterling Road and College Street,
  • on College Street at Lansdowne and Brock Avenues, Dufferin Street, Rusholme Park Crescent, Dovercourt Road, Ossington Avenue, Crawford, Grace and Clinton Streets, Euclid Avenue, Bathurst and Borden Streets, Augusta and Spadina Avenues, Beverley and McCaul Streets, University Avenue and Elizabeth, Bay and Yonge Streets,
  • on Carlton Street at Church, Jarvis, Sherbourne, Ontario and Parliament Streets and
  • on Parliament Street at Gerrard Street East.

Instead, eastbound cars drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • in McCaul Loop,
  • on McCaul Street at Queen Street West,
  • on Queen Street West at University Avenue and York, Bay and Yonge Streets,
  • on Queen Street East at Victoria, Church, Jarvis, Sherbourne, Ontario and Parliament Streets and
  • on Parliament Street at Shuter Street, Dundas Street East, Oak Street and Gerrard Street East.

Westbound cars reverse the eastbound detour routing.

Westbound cars skip their regular stops

  • on Parliament Street at Carlton Street,
  • on Carlton Street at Ontario, Sherbourne, Jarvis, Church and Yonge Streets and
  • on College Street at Bay and Elizabeth Streets, University Avenue, across from McCaul Street, at St George Street, Spadina Avenue, Major Street, Borden Avenue, Bathurst Street, Euclid Avenue, Clinton, Grace and Crawford Streets, Ossington Avenue, Dovercourt Road, Havelock and Dufferin Streets, Brock and Lansdowne Avenues, Sterling Road, across from Sorauren Avenue and at Morrow Avenue,
  • on Howard Park Avenue at Roncesvalles Avenue, Indian Road and Parkside Drive and
  • in High Park Loop.

Instead, westbound cars drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on Parliament Street across from Oak Street, at Dundas Street East, Shuter Street and Queen Street East,
  • on Queen Street East at Ontario, Sherbourne, Jarvis, Church, Victoria and Yonge Streets,
  • on Queen Street West at Bay Street, across from York Street, at University Avenue, west of Simcoe Street and at McCaul Street,
  • on McCaul Street across from Stephanie Street and
  • in McCaul Loop.

Buses replace streetcars on the route west of Parliament Street. Westbound streetcar passengers may transfer to westbound buses at Gerrard Street East and Parliament Street.

The TTC will revise the detour routing during the next phase of the project, starting Monday, June 27.

506 Carlton bus

Mondays to Fridays from Monday, June 20 until Friday, June 24, the TTC splits the route. Buses replace regular streetcar service along the west end of the 506 Carlton route, but they detour around the work zone at Bathurst and College Streets. Streetcars operate along the east end of the route.

Eastbound buses start their trips in Keele Station bus terminal, then proceed:

southward along Keele Street and Parkside Drive;
eastward along Howard Park Avenue, Dundas Street West, College Street and Carlton Street;
southward along Parliament Street; and then
eastward along Gerrard Street East to Sumach Street,
ending their trips

Westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • in Keele Station bus terminal,
  • on Parkside Drive across from Indian Valley Crescent,
  • on Howard Park Avenue east of Parkside Drive and at Indian Road, Roncesvalles Avenue and Dundas Street West,
  • on Dundas Street West at Sorauren Avenue, across from Sterling Road and College Street,
  • on College Street at Lansdowne and Brock Avenues, Dufferin Street, Rusholme Park Crescent, Dovercourt Road and Ossington Avenue,
  • on Ossington Avenue at Dewson and Harbord Streets,
  • on Harbord Street at Crawford and Grace Streets, Manning Avenue, Bathurst Street, Brunswick and Spadina Avenues,
  • on Spadina Avenue south of Harbord Street and at Willcocks Street,
  • on College Street at Beverley and McCaul Streets, University Avenue and Elizabeth, Bay and Yonge Streets,
  • on Carlton Street at Church, Jarvis, Sherbourne, Ontario and Parliament Streets,
  • on Parliament Street at Gerrard Street East and
  • on Gerrard Street East at Sackville and Sumach Streets.

These eastbound route 506 stops have no transit service from Sunday, June 19 until July 12:

  • at High Park Loop and
  • on College Street at Crawford, Grace and Clinton Streets, Euclid Avenue and Bathurst Street.

Eastbound bus passengers may transfer to eastbound streetcars operating along the 506 Carlton route at Parliament Street and Gerrard Street East.

**Westbound buses start their trips on Gerrard Street East at Sumach Street, then proceed:

southward along Sumach;
westward along Dundas Street East,
northward along Parliament Street;
westward along Carlton and College Streets,
northward along Spadina Avenue, Spadina Crescent and Spadina Avenue,
westward along Harbord Street;
southward along Ossington Avenue;
westward along College Street, Dundas Street West and Howard Park Avenue;
northward along Parkside Drive and Keele Street; and then
eastward into Keele Station bus terminal,
ending their trips.

Westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • on Gerrard Street East at Sumach Street,
  • on Dundas Street East at Sackville and Parliament Streets,
  • on Parliament Street at Oak Street, Gerrard Street East and Carlton Street,
  • on Carlton Street at Ontario, Sherbourne, Jarvis, Church and Yonge Streets and
  • on College Street at Bay and Elizabeth Streets, University Avenue, across from McCaul Street and at St George Street and Spadina Avenue,
  • on Spadina Avenue north of College Street and at Willcocks Street,
  • on Harbord Street at Brunswick Avenue, Bathurst Street, Manning Avenue, Grace and Crawford Streets and Ossington Avenue,
  • on Ossington Avenue at Dewson and College Streets,
  • on College Street at Dovercourt Road, Havelock and Dufferin Streets, Brock and Lansdowne Avenues, Sterling Road, across from Sorauren Avenue and at Morrow Avenue,
  • on Howard Park Avenue at Roncesvalles Avenue, Indian Road and Parkside Drive,
  • on Parkside Drive at Indian Valley Crescent and
  • in Keele Station bus terminal.

These westbound route 506 stops have no transit service from Sunday, June 19 until July 12:

  • on College Street at Euclid Avenue, Clinton, Grace and Crawford Streets and Ossington Avenue and
  • at High Park Loop.

All day Saturday, June 25 and Sunday, June 26, buses operate along the entire route, detouring around the work zone at Bathurst and College Streets. They also start and end their trips in Keele Station bus terminal, instead of High Park Loop.

Eastbound buses start their trips in Keele Station bus terminal, then proceed:

southward along Keele Street and Parkside Drive to Howard Park Avenue,
resuming the regular route 506 eastward along Howard Park.

They operate along the regular route to College Street and Ossington Avenue, then detour again:

northward along Ossington;
westward along Harbord Street; and then
southward along Spadina Avenue, Spadina Crescent and Spadina Avenue to College,
resuming their regular route eastward along College.

Eastbound buses skip regular route 506 stops:

  • at High Park Loop and
  • on College Street at Crawford, Grace and Clinton Streets, Euclid Avenue, Bathurst and Borden Streets and Augusta and Spadina Avenues.

Instead, eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops:

  • in Keele Station bus terminal,
  • on Parkside Drive across from Indian Valley Crescent,
  • on Ossington Avenue at Dewson and Harbord Streets,
  • on Harbord Street at Crawford and Grace Streets, Manning Avenue, Bathurst Street, Brunswick and Spadina Avenues and
  • on Spadina Avenue south of Harbord Street and at Willcocks Street.

Westbound buses reverse the eastbound routing.

Westbound buses skip regular route 506 stops:

  • on College Street at Major, Borden and Bathurst Streets, Euclid Avenue, Clinton, Grace and Crawford Streets and Ossington Avenue and at High Park Loop.

Instead, westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops:

  • on Spadina Avenue north of College Street and at Willcocks Street,
  • on Harbord Street at Brunswick Avenue, Bathurst Street, Manning Avenue, Grace and Crawford Streets and Ossington Avenue and
  • on Ossington Avenue at Dewson and College Streets.

The TTC will revise the detour routing during the next phase of the project, starting Monday, June 27.

306 Carlton overnight

From Sunday, June 19 until Sunday, June 26, buses replace streetcars along the entire route. The buses detour around the work zone at Bathurst and College Streets.

Eastbound buses operate along the regular route to College Street and Ossington Avenue, then detour:

northward along Ossington;
westward along Harbord Street; and then
southward along Spadina Avenue, Spadina Crescent and Spadina Avenue to College,
resuming their regular route eastward along College.

Eastbound buses skip regular route 306 stops:

  • at High Park Loop and
  • on College Street at Crawford, Grace and Clinton Streets, Euclid Avenue, Bathurst and Borden Streets and Augusta and Spadina Avenues.

Instead, eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops:

  • on Ossington Avenue at Dewson and Harbord Streets,
  • on Harbord Street at Crawford and Grace Streets, Manning Avenue, Bathurst Street, Brunswick and Spadina Avenues and
  • on Spadina Avenue south of Harbord Street and at Willcocks Street.

Westbound buses reverse the eastbound routing.

Westbound buses skip regular route 506 stops:

  • on College Street at Major, Borden and Bathurst Streets, Euclid Avenue, Clinton, Grace and Crawford Streets and Ossington Avenue and at High Park Loop.

Instead, westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops:

  • on Spadina Avenue north of College Street and at Willcocks Street,
  • on Harbord Street at Brunswick Avenue, Bathurst Street, Manning Avenue, Grace and Crawford Streets and Ossington Avenue and
  • on Ossington Avenue at Dewson and College Streets.

The TTC will revise the detour routing during the next phase of the project, starting Monday, June 27.

509 / 511 Harbourfront / Bathurst shuttle bus

Saturday, June 18 is the last day that the TTC operates buses along this temporary route.

The buses temporarily served passengers traveling between Fleet and Exhibition Loops while construction blocked the streetcar tracks in Exhibition Loop.

Starting Monday, June 20, the TTC replaces the streetcars that usually operate along the 511 Bathurst route with buses. The bus route includes Exhibition loop, meaning the shuttle buses are no longer necessary.