The TTC is restoring bus service to St Clair West Station tomorrow, Saturday, October 1.
Buses operating along these routes drop off or pick up passengers in the station terminal, instead of serving stops on St. Clair Avenue West beside the terminal:
- 33 Forest Hill;
- 126 Christie; and
- 512 St Clair.
Buses continue to operate between St Clair West and St Clair Stations (at Yonge Street). Streetcars operate west of St Clair Station to Keele Street / Gunns Loop. Starting tomorrow, you must transfer between buses and streetcars inside St Clair West Station terminal to continue your trip east- or westward beyond the terminal.
Shuttle buses replacing streetcars along the 512 St Clair route no longer operate between St Clair West Station and Oakwood Avenue.
Buses operating along the 90 Vaughan route resumed service through the terminal Sunday, September 4.
If you pay your fare with tickets, token or cash, get a time-based transfer from a driver on the 512 St Clair route. The time-based transfer is valid until the expiry time. The transfer allows you to stop along St. Clair Avenue for as long as two hours. Time-based transfers are not available if you use a PRESTO fare card.
If you have proof of payment (or “POP”), you can board buses operating along the 512 St Clair route through any door. If you pay with tickets, tokens or cash, board through the front doors and get a transfer. Your transfer or your TTC pass is your proof-of-payment. If you use PRESTO, you’ll need a transfer if you need to connect with another bus. (The TTC has not yet equipped all buses with PRESTO devices.)
The TTC closed St Clair West Station Sunday, June 19. Crews:
- replaced the west tracks into St Clair West Station between Bathurst Street and Tweedsmuir Avenue.
- upgraded overhead wiring.
- continue to install elevators.
Construction continues on St. Clair Avenue West east of St Clair West Station. Since Sunday, June 19, crews have been improving accessibility at streetcar stops by:
- adjusting a four-metre (12-foot) section of the passenger platforms at all stops to provide enough space for TTC operators to deploy the accessibility ramps on the new streetcars;
- installing more railings for passenger safety; and
- installing tactile strips to guide visually impaired passengers.
Construction continue at St Clair Station. Since Sunday, June 19, crews have been:
- replacing overhead wire;
- replacing the passenger platform (concrete slab) and installing a new water-proofing system; and
- removing the station roof and installing a new roof and fall-protection system.
The projects on St Clair Avenue West and at St Clair Station end and full streetcar service along the 512 St Clair route resumes in December.