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No subway service, October 8, 9, 10: Pape to St George

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All day Saturday, October 8, Sunday, October 9 and Thanksgiving, Monday, October 10, the TTC is closing the 2 Bloor - Danforth line between Pape and St George stations, as City of Toronto contractors work on the concrete structure of the Prince Edward Viaduct. All Line 2 trains operate between Kennedy and Pape stations and between Kipling and St George stations tomorrow.

It’s replacing subway service with shuttle buses between the two stations. The shuttle buses start and end their trips in the bus terminals at Pape and St George Stations, then operate along Danforth Avenue, the Prince Edward Viaduct and Bloor Streets East and West. They drop off or pick up passengers at the intersections nearest to subway stations:

  • at Chester and Broadview Avenues, Castle Frank Road, Sherbourne, Yonge and Bay Streets.

PRESTO fare-card devices may not be available on all shuttle buses. If you’re a PRESTO user, carry tokens or exact cash, in case the bus that arrives at your stop does not have PRESTO.

To reduce congestion and help improve travel times for TTC passengers and all road users, the TTC is restricting parking on both sides of Danforth Avenue from 3:30 a.m. Saturday until 12:01 a.m. Tuesday:

  • between Pape and Broadview Avenues.

Similarly, the City is prohibiting parking on both sides of Bloor Streets East and West :

  • between Sherbourne and Huntley Streets;
  • between Ted Rogers Way and Church Street; and
  • between Avenue Road / Queen’s Park and St George Street.

If you need accessible transportation, Wheel-Trans buses also operate between Pape and St George stations. You can ask for the Wheel-Trans bus by speaking with a supervisor at these stations.

Shuttle-bus alternatives

One way that you can reduce the impact of the closure is by planning ahead, leaving earlier than usually and giving yourself more time to get to where you’re going.

Although shuttle buses replacing subway service will be frequent, they may also be crowded.

Regular TTC buses and streetcars provide less frequent, less direct, but, perhaps, less stressful alternatives. Consider boarding, buses or streetcars east or west of the closure to by-pass the crowds, if you’re traveling to and from downtown.

  • ride streetcars operating along the 504 King route at Dundas West station. Connect with the 1 Yonge - University line at St Andrew or King stations.
  • ride streetcars operating along the 505 Dundas route at Dundas West station. Connect with the 1 Yonge - University line at St Patrick or Dundas stations.
  • ride streetcars operating along the 506 Carlton route at Main Street Station. Connect with the 1 Yonge - University line at Queen’s Park or College stations.
  • ride buses operating along the 94 Wellesley route at Ossington Station. Connect with the 1 Yonge - University line at Wellesley Station.

The TTC has previously closed this section of the subway several times this year:

It plans to close the same section of the subway twice more this year:

  • Saturday, November 5 and Sunday, November 6; and
  • Saturday, November 26 and Sunday, November 27.
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