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Brampton Transit revises routes and services, October 31

Brampton Transit is mostly making minor changes to its services, starting Monday, October 31.

It’s extending service along the 8 Centre route to William Osler Health System’s Peel Memorial Hospital site and restoring service along the 53 Ray Lawson route to Kingknoll Drive.

Brampton Transit is revising service along these routes: 1 Queen, 2 Main, 8 Centre, 15A Bramalea, 24 Van Kirk, 25 Edenbrook, 36 Gardenbrooke, 53 Ray Lawson, 57 Charolais, 60 Mississauga Rd, 502 Züm Main.

Specifically, Brampton Transit is: increasing service along routes; decreasing service along routes; revising the paths for buses operating along routes; and adjusting the schedules for buses operating along routes.

Increasing service along routes

8 Centre

Brampton Transit is revising the path for buses operating along the route in both directions to serve William Osler Health System’s Peel Memorial Hospital site every day.

Starting Monday, October 31, buses in both directions drop off or pick up passengers at a new stop:

  • at Peel Memorial Hospital.

Brampton Transit is also adjusting the schedules for buses operating along the route.

You can view a map of the new routing and the new schedules here.

53 Ray Lawson

After consulting with residents, Brampton Transit is revising the path for buses operating along the route, restoring service to Kingknoll Drive.

Starting Monday, October 31, eastbound buses drop off or pick up passenger at new stops

  • on Kingknoll Drive north of Ray Lawson Boulevard, across from Derby Road and Pennsylvania Avenue, east of Tulip Drive, at Windmill Boulevard and west of McLaughlin Road South.

You can view a map of the new routing and the new schedules here. (.pdf)

Decreasing service along routes

8 Centre

Brampton Transit is revising the path for buses operating along the route in both directions to serve William Osler Health System’s Peel Memorial Hospital site every day.

Starting Monday, October 31, westbound buses no longer drop off or pick up passengers at a stop

  • on Centre Street South across from John Street.

Brampton Transit is also adjusting the schedules for buses operating along the route.

You can view a map of the new routing and the new schedules here.

53 Ray Lawson

After consulting with residents, Brampton Transit is revising the path for buses operating along the route, restoring service to Kingknoll Drive.

Starting Monday, October 31, eastbound buses no longer drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • on Ray Lawson Boulevard east of Rollingwood and Falstaff Drives, at Woodsend Run, east of Oaklea Boulevard and at Fallen Oak Court.

These stops have no transit service, starting Monday, October 31.

You can view a map of the new routing and the new schedules here. (.pdf)

Revising the paths for buses operating along routes

8 Centre

Brampton Transit is revising the path for buses operating along the route in both directions to serve William Osler Health System’s Peel Memorial Hospital site every day.

Starting Monday, October 31, eastbound buses operate along their regular route to Centre Street South and John Street, then proceed:

eastward along John;
southward along Truman Street;
west- and northward through the hospital grounds; and then
westward along John to Centre South,
resuming their regular route northward along Centre.

Eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at a new stop

  • at Peel Memorial Hospital.

Westbound buses operate along their regular route to Centre Street South and John Street, then proceed:

eastward along John;
southward along Truman Street;
west- and northward through the hospital grounds; and then
westward along John to Centre South,
resuming their regular route southward along Centre.

Westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at a new stop

  • at Peel Memorial Hospital.

Westbound buses no longer drop off or pick up passengers at a stop

  • on Centre Street South across from John Street.

Brampton Transit is also adjusting the schedules for buses operating along the route.

You can view a map of the new routing and the new schedules here.

53 Ray Lawson

After consulting with residents, Brampton Transit is restoring service to Kingknoll Drive. BT cancelled the service and rerouted eastbound buses along Ray Lawson Boulevard in September.

Starting Monday, October 31, eastbound buses operate along their current route to Ray Lawson Boulevard and Kingknoll Drive, then proceed:

north- and eastward along Kingknoll to McLaughlin Road South,
resuming their regular route eastward onto Sheridan College’s Davis campus.

Eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at new stops:

  • on Kingknoll Drive north of Ray Lawson Boulevard, across from Derby Road and Pennsylvania Avenue, east of Tulip Drive, at Windmill Boulevard and west of McLaughlin Road South.

Eastbound buses operating along route 53 no longer drop off or pick up passengers at these stops

  • on Ray Lawson Boulevard east of Rollingwood and Falstaff Drives, at Woodsend Run, east of Oaklea Boulevard and at Fallen Oak Court (these stops have no transit service, starting Monday, October 31 and
  • on McLaughlin Road South north of Ray Lawson Boulevard and at Sheridan College Drive (buses operating along route 52 continue to serve these stops).

Westbound buses continue to operate along their current route westward along Oaklea Boulevard.

You can view a map of the new routing and the new schedules here. (.pdf)

Adjusting the schedules for buses operating along routes

15A Bramalea

Starting Monday, October 31, the southbound bus that usually leaves Walmart at 6:10 a.m. Mondays to Fridays leaves, instead, four minutes earlier at 6:07 a.m. The bus drops off or picks up passengers at stops along the route as much as four minutes earlier than usually. It ends its trip in Bramalea GO Station bus terminal at 6:46 a.m.

By operating an earlier trip, BT improves service for passengers connecting with GO Transit trains at Bramalea GO Station.

You can view the new schedule here. (.pdf)

8 Centre

Brampton Transit is revising the path for buses operating along the route in both directions to serve William Osler Health System’s Peel Memorial Hospital site every day.

Since the buses follow a longer path, BT is also adjusting the schedules for the buses every day.

You can view a map of the new routing and the new schedules here. (.pdf)

57 Charolais

Starting Monday, October 31, Brampton Transit adjusts the daily schedules to improve service to passengers.

You can view the new schedules here. (.pdf)

25 Edenbrook

Starting Monday, October 31, Brampton Transit adjusts the schedule for northbound buses operating along the route Monday-to-Friday mornings.

By adjusting the schedule, BT improves service for passengers connecting with GO Transit trains at Brampton GO Station.

You can view the new schedule here. (.pdf)

36 Gardenbrooke

Starting Monday, October 31, the northbound bus that usually leaves McVean Drive north of Queen Street East at 3:05 p.m. Mondays to Fridays leaves, instead, five minutes later at 3:10 p.m.

The bus drops off or picks up passengers at stops along the route as much as five minutes later than usually, arriving on Gardenbrooke Trail west of Freedom Oaks Trail (across from Castlebrooke Secondary School) at 3:20 p.m. It ends its trip in Gore Meadows Community Centre loop at 3:28 p.m.

By operating an earlier trip, BT improves service for passengers travelling from the school after dismissal time.

You can view the new schedule here. (.pdf)

2 Main

Starting Saturday, November 5, Brampton Transit adjusts the schedules for buses operating along the route Saturday mornings.

You can view the new schedule here. (.pdf)

60 Mississauga Rd

Starting Monday, October 31, the northbound bus that usually leaves Derry Road West west of Financial Drive at 4:49 p.m. Mondays to Fridays leaves, instead, three minutes later at 4:52 p.m. It drops off or picks up passengers at stops along the route as much as three minutes later than usually. It ends its trip in Mount Pleasant GO Station bus terminal at 5:17 p.m.

By operating a later trip, BT improves service for passengers connecting with GO Transit trains at Mount Pleasant GO Station.

You can view the new schedule here. (.pdf)

1 Queen

Starting Monday, October 31, Brampton Transit adjusts the schedules for eastbound buses operating along the route between Mount Pleasant GO Station and Downtown Brampton Terminal Mondays to Fridays.

You can view the new schedule here. (.pdf)

24 Van Kirk

Starting Monday, October 31, Brampton Transit adjusts the schedule for northbound buses operating along the route Monday-to-Friday mornings.

By adjusting the schedule, BT improves service for passengers connecting with GO Transit trains at Brampton GO Station.

You can view the new schedule here. (.pdf)

502 Züm Main

Starting Saturday, November 5, Brampton Transit adjusts the schedules for buses operating along the route Saturday mornings.

You can view the new schedule here. (.pdf)